This is a tool to simplify Mesh generation in C#. You don't have to worry about the number of vertices or indices; you can just keep sending triangles.
Implement a ScriptableAsset class
that inherits from PolyMeshBlueprint. Add as many triangles as needed in the Write(IPolyWriter writer) method.
[ CreateAssetMenu ( fileName = "Disc" , menuName = nameof ( PolyMeshTools ) + "/" + nameof ( Blueprints ) + "/" + "Disc" ) ]
public class DiscBlueprint : PolyMeshBlueprint
public float Radius = 1 ;
public float StartAngle = 0 ;
public float EndAngle = 360 ;
public int Segments = 32 ;
public Color Color = Color . white ;
private void OnValidate ( )
Radius = Mathf . Max ( 0.01f , Radius ) ;
Segments = Mathf . Max ( 2 , Segments ) ;
public override void Write ( IPolyWriter writer )
var center = Vector3 . zero ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < Segments - 1 ; i ++ )
var t0 = ( float ) i / ( Segments - 1 ) ;
var t1 = ( float ) ( i + 1 ) / ( Segments - 1 ) ;
var angle0 = Mathf . Lerp ( StartAngle , EndAngle , t0 ) ;
var angle1 = Mathf . Lerp ( StartAngle , EndAngle , t1 ) ;
var edge0 = new Vector3 ( Mathf . Sin ( angle0 * Mathf . Deg2Rad ) * Radius , Mathf . Cos ( angle0 * Mathf . Deg2Rad ) * Radius , 0 ) ;
var edge1 = new Vector3 ( Mathf . Sin ( angle1 * Mathf . Deg2Rad ) * Radius , Mathf . Cos ( angle1 * Mathf . Deg2Rad ) * Radius , 0 ) ;
var triangle = new TriangleSequence ( ) ;
triangle . Push ( center , new Vector2 ( ( t0 + t1 ) * 0.5f , 0 ) , Color ) ;
triangle . Push ( edge0 , new Vector2 ( t0 , 1 ) , Color ) ;
triangle . Push ( edge1 , new Vector2 ( t1 , 1 ) , Color ) ;
triangle . Write ( writer ) ;
Create ScriptableAsset instance
Press the "Generate Mesh Asset"
button on the blueprint to generate a Mesh.
As a solo developer, your financial support would be greatly appreciated and helps me continue working on this project.