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UC: View Update Holon

Steve Melville edited this page Jun 4, 2024 · 1 revision

Description: This use case enables a Human Agent to view a selected holon. In the initial prototype, this consists of displaying the list of properties for this holon. In the future, this visualizer will also display the actions offered by this holon and the relationships in which it participates. Alternate visualizers will also be available.

Actor: Human Agent


  • Human Agent is viewing the MAP Home Page.
  • A holon has been selected for viewing



Main Flow

  1. This use case starts when a Human Agent selects a holon from the the MAP Home Page.
  2. The system responds by presenting a Node Visualizer that displays the properties of this holon and offers the agent the option to edit this holon or select an available action from the canvas action bar.
  3. If the agent wishes to edit this holon, see Alternate Flow: Edit Holon. If they select any other action, this use case ends and the use case associated with the selected action is initiated.

Alternate Flows

Alternate Flow: Edit Holon

This alternate flow is followed when the agent selects Edit while viewing a holon.

  1. The switches the node visualizer to Edit Mode which allows the agent to provide new or different values for any of this holon's properties.
  2. The agent makes any desired updates to the holon and then selects either Submit or Cancel.
  3. If the agent selected Cancel, no changes are persisted for this holon. Otherwise, (agent selected Submit), validation checks are performed on the edited values and, if all validation checks pass, the holon is persisted. If errors are discovered, follow Alternate Flow: Handle Validation Errors. Otherwise, the node visualizer is returned to "view mode" and this use case ends.

Alternate Flow: Handle Validation Errors




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