The .NET evoto desktop client.
This is the desktop application for evoto, a blockchain based voting system. The application relies on .NET Framework 4.5.
Download the lastest release and follow the installer wizard.
The application should build without any external files or dependencies, in Visual Studio 2015 or 2017. To do so, first clone the repository and its recursive submodules:
git clone
cd EvotoClientNet
git submodule init --update --recursive
The application relies on an external Registrar API, hosted at If the application is running in DEBUG mode, then it will be expecting a Registrar API to be reachable on http://localhost:15893
The application relies on two submodules, both also written by evoto-tech:
This is the common code repository for blockchain interractions for use by both the evoto client (this) and the Registrar API. This library also manages the MultiChain platform processes.
Handler for communication with the MultiChain API via RPC. Forked from PbjCloud/MultiChainLib, with additional wrapper for new and missing commands, such as raw transactions.