DataGeneratorTranslators is a package for automatically creating data generators from specifications such as Backus-Naur Form (BNF), XML Schema Definition (XSD), regular expressions, and Julia Type definitions. The generators can be run using the DataGenerators
Note! Going forward this will be the main DataGeneratorTranslators.jl package repo since my colleague and close collaborator Simon Poulding unfortunately passed away during 2017. We worked on these packages together but I will have to carry the torch forward.
Install by cloning the package directly from GitHub from a Julia REPL:
julia> Pkg.clone("")
To run the generators created requires the DataGenerators package:
julia> Pkg.clone("")
Translate an XML Schema Definition into a data generator using the function:
xsd_generator(io::IO, genname::Symbol, xsduri::AbstractString, startelement::AbstractString)
where io
is the file handle (or other output stream) for the generator, genname
the name of the generater created (as a symbol), xsduri
the file or URL of the XML Schema Definition, and startelement
the top-level element in the generated XML (as this is not specified in XSD).
Note that the created generators require the LightXML
package (install using Pkg.add("LightXML")
) in order to output XML.
For example:
using DataGeneratorTranslators
using DataGenerators
using LightXML
# XML Schema Definition is in file example.xsd
# Creates a generator (saved in the file generator.jl) for XML satisfying the XSD and with top level element <library>
open("generator.jl", "w") do fh
xsd_generator(fh, :ExampleXMLGen, "example.xsd", "library")
# include the generator
# create an instance of the generator
g = ExampleXMLGen()
# generate XML satisfying the XSD
For convenience, the function (as above but without the first parameter):
xsd_generator(genname::Symbol, xsduri::AbstractString, startelement::AbstractString)
creates the generator and includes it in the current context.
Translate BNF or EBNF into a data generator using the function:
bnf_generator(io::IO, genname::Symbol, bnf::IO, startvariable::AbstractString, syntax::Symbol=:ebnf, addwhitespace::Bool=true)
where io
is the file handle (or other output stream) for the generator, genname
the name of the generater created (as a symbol), bnf
the file or stream containing the BNF, syntax
should be left as the default of ``:ebnffor *both* BNF and EBNF (this parameter is intended for support of specific BNF variants in future releases),
addwhitespace` determines whether or not the spaces are added between terminals in the generated string.
For convenience, the function (as above but without the first parameter):
bnf_generator(genname::Symbol, bnf::IO, startvariable::AbstractString, syntax::Symbol=:ebnf, addwhitespace::Bool=true)
creates the generator and includes it in the current context.
The DataGenerators
package supports Regular Expressions directly using choose(String, <regex>)
. For example:
@generator ShortStringGen begin
start() = choose(String, "[A-Z]{5,15}")
This use is preferred over creating standalone generators. (It uses this DataGeneratorTranslators
package to create the additional rules for the regular expression.)
But for completeness, a regular expression can be translated into a data generator using the function:
regex_generator(io::IO, genname::Symbol, regex::AbstractString, datatype::DataType=String)
Note! This translator is not yet updated for Julia 0.6 so is currently inactivated.
Create a data generator for instance of Julia types using this translator. Both concrete and abstract types are supported as well as parameterised and user-defined types. The translator identifies potential constructor methods for the types, but calling such methods can give rise to exceptions - these are trapped and returned as TypeGenerationException
The generator can be output to a stream (see example code above for the XSD):
type_generator(io::IO, genname::Symbol, t::Type, supporteddts::Vector{DataType}=Vector{DataType}())
or, for convenience, included in the current context using:
type_generator(genname::Symbol, t::Type, supporteddts::Vector{DataType}=Vector{DataType}()) = include_generator(genname, type_generator, t, supporteddts)
where t
is the type. The parameter dt
identifies which subtrees of the type hierarchy should be considered when creating the generator as a list of root types of those subtrees - this avoids including the entire type hierarchy in the generator when types such as Any
arise in the translation process. It defaults to all the primary types used in the type t
julia> using DataGeneratorTranslators
julia> using DataGenerators
julia> type_generator(:IntegerGen, Integer)
julia> g = IntegerGen()
julia> choose(g)
julia> typeof(ans)
julia> type_generator(:RationalGen, Rational, [Number,])
julia> g = RationalGen()
julia> choose(g)
julia> typeof(ans)
DataGeneratorTranslators is based in a number of research articles describing our general approach to test data generation (called GodelTest):
[1] R. Feldt and S. Poulding, "Finding Test Data with Specific Properties via Metaheuristic Search", ISSRE 2013 (best paper award!)
[2] S. Poulding and R. Feldt, "Generating Structured Test Data with Specific Properties using Nested Monte-Carlo Search", GECCO 2014
[3] S. Poulding and R. Feldt, "The Automated Generation of Human-Comprehensible XML Test Sets, NasBASE, 2015
[4] S. Poulding and R. Feldt, "Re-using Generators of Complex Test Data", ICST 2015
[5] R. Feldt and S. Poulding, "Broadening the Search in Search-Based Software Testing: It Need Not Be Evolutionary", SBST 2015
[6] R. Feldt, S. Poulding, D. Clark and S. Yoo, "Test Set Diameter: Quantifying the Diversity of Sets of Test Cases", ICST 2016
[7] S. Poulding and R. Feldt, "Automated Random Testing in Multiple Dispatch Languages", ICST 2017