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Merge pull request #44 from exapde/mutationpp-interface
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Mutationpp interface
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exapde authored Dec 16, 2022
2 parents ae37096 + 91c0edd commit d581e8d
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Showing 264 changed files with 37,589 additions and 27 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Applications/Hypersonics/1DShockTube/app/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# /opt/homebrew/Cellar/llvm@12/12.0.1_1/bin/clang++
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/llvm@12/12.0.1_1/bin/clang++ -fPIC -O3 -c opuApp.cpp -D _MUTATIONPP -I /Users/rloekvh/Mutationpp/install/include/mutation++/ -I /Users/rloekvh/Mutationpp/thirdparty/eigen/ -I /Users/rloekvh/Mutationpp/install/
ar -rvs opuApp.a opuApp.o
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/llvm@12/12.0.1_1/bin/clang++ -std=c++11 ../../../../src/Kernel/Main/main.cpp -o serialapp ../../../../lib/Mac/commonCore.a ../../../../lib/Mac/opuCore.a opuApp.a -arch arm64 -O2 -ldl -lm -lblas -llapack -D _MUTATIONPP -I /Users/rloekvh/Mutationpp/install/include/mutation++/ -I /Users/rloekvh/Mutationpp/thirdparty/eigen/ -I /Users/rloekvh/Mutationpp/install/ -L /Users/rloekvh/Mutationpp/install/lib/ -lmutation++
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Applications/Hypersonics/1DShockTube/app/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
sed -i '' 's/int ncw)/int ncw, Mutation::Mixture *mix)/g' opu*.cpp
sed -i '' 's/int ne)/int ne, Mutation::Mixture *mix)/g' opu*.cpp
sed -i '' 's/, ncw)/, ncw, mix)/g' opu*.cpp
sed -i '' 's/, ne)/, ne, mix)/g' opu*.cpp
sed -i '' 's/int)/int, Mutation::Mixture *)/g' opu*.cpp
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Applications/Hypersonics/1DShockTube/app/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

cp opuInituMPP.cpp opuInitu.cpp
cp opuInitwdgMPP.cpp opuInitwdg.cpp
cp opuSourcewMPP.cpp opuSourcew.cpp
265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions Applications/Hypersonics/1DShockTube/app/mutationUtils.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
void nondimensionalizeConsVars(double* Ucons, double* uinf, int nspecies, int nd)
// Modifies Ucons vector in place to have nondimensional quantities
double rho_scale = uinf[0];
double u_scale = uinf[1];
double rhoe_scale = uinf[2];
for (int i=0; i<nspecies; i++)
Ucons[i] = Ucons[i] / rho_scale;
for (int i=0; i<nd; i++)
Ucons[nspecies+i] = Ucons[nspecies+i] / (rho_scale * u_scale);
Ucons[nspecies+nd] = Ucons[nspecies+nd] / (rhoe_scale);

void dimensionalizeConsVars(double* Ucons, double* uinf, int nspecies, int nd)
// Modifies Ucons vector in place to have dimensional quantities
double rho_scale = uinf[0];
double u_scale = uinf[1];
double rhoe_scale = uinf[2];
for (int i=0; i<nspecies; i++)
Ucons[i] = Ucons[i] * rho_scale;
for (int i=0; i<nd; i++)
Ucons[nspecies+i] = Ucons[nspecies+i] * (rho_scale * u_scale);
Ucons[nspecies+nd] = Ucons[nspecies+nd] * (rhoe_scale);

void nondimensionalizeStateVars(double* Ustate, double* uinf, int nspecies)
// Modifies Ucons vector in place to have nondimensional quantities
double rho_scale = uinf[0];
double u_scale = uinf[1];
double rhoe_scale = uinf[2];
for (int i=0; i<nspecies; i++)
Ustate[i] = Ustate[i] / rho_scale;
Ustate[nspecies] = Ustate[nspecies] / (rhoe_scale);
// TODO: allow multiple energy equations

void dimensionalizeStateVars(double* Ustate, double* uinf, int nspecies)
// Modifies Ucons vector in place to have nondimensional quantities
double rho_scale = uinf[0];
double u_scale = uinf[1];
double rhoe_scale = uinf[2];
for (int i=0; i<nspecies; i++)
Ustate[i] = Ustate[i] * rho_scale;
Ustate[nspecies] = Ustate[nspecies] * (rhoe_scale);
// TODO: allow multiple energy equations

void conservativeToState(double* Ucons, double* Ustate, double* uinf, int nspecies)
// Maps from conservative fluid variables (r, ru, rE, rEv) to state variables (r, re, rev)
//Ucons[nspecies+2]: state variables rho_i, rhou, rhoE (dimensional)
//Ustate[nspecies+1]: inputs for mutation: rho_i, rhoe (dimensional)
double rho = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<nspecies; i++)
Ustate[i] = Ucons[i]; //rho_i
rho = rho + Ucons[i];
double rhou = Ucons[nspecies];
double rhoE = Ucons[nspecies+1];
double u = rhou/rho;
Ustate[nspecies] = rhoE - 0.5 * rho * u * u; //rhoe

void stateToConsVars(double* Ucons, double u, double* Ustate, double* uinf, int nspecies)
// Maps from state variables (r, re) and velocity (u) to cons vars (r, ru, rE)
//Ucons[nspecies+2]: state variables rho_i, rhou, rhoE (dimensional)
//Ustate[nspecies+1]: inputs for mutation: rho_i, rhoe (dimensional)
// TODO: currently for 1D
double rho = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<nspecies; i++)
Ucons[i] = Ustate[i]; //rho_i
rho = rho + Ucons[i];
double rhou = rho * u;
double rhoe = Ustate[nspecies];
Ucons[nspecies] = rhou; // TODO: should be Ucons[nspecies + 1:nd]
Ucons[nspecies+1] = rhoe + 0.5 * rho * u * u;

void uinflow(double* Ucons, double p, double *param, double* uinf, Mutation::Mixture *mix)
{ // Subsonic inflow: use pressure from solution
// and given Tinf, Yinf, uinf to solve for rho, rhou, rhoE
int nspecies = 5;
// Scaling information
double rho_inf = uinf[0];
double uv_inf = uinf[1];
double rhoe_inf = uinf[2];

// Known values from prescribed inflow
double T_inf = param[3*nspecies+ 5];
double Yinf[5];
double uv_inflow = param[3*nspecies+4]; //inflow; here same as scaling but not necessarily true
for (int ispecies = 0; ispecies<nspecies; ispecies++)
Yinf[ispecies] = param[2*nspecies + 4 + ispecies];

// Known values from solution (nondim pressure)
double pdim = p * rhoe_inf;
double pt_arr[2] = {pdim, T_inf};

// Update state with Y_i, P, T
mix->setState(Yinf, pt_arr, 2);

// Get conservative quantities
double rho_i[5]; // memory for densities
double rho = mix->density();
double rhoe = mix->mixtureEnergyMass() * rho;
double Ustate[6] = {rho_i[0],rho_i[1],rho_i[2],rho_i[3],rho_i[4],rhoe};

stateToConsVars(Ucons, uv_inflow, Ustate, uinf, nspecies);
nondimensionalizeConsVars(Ucons, uinf, nspecies, 1);

void uoutflow(double* Ucons, double* param, double* uinf, Mutation::Mixture *mix)
// Subsonic outflow: use rho_i, rhou from solution
// given Pout, solve for energy rhoE
int nspecies = 5;
// scaling information
double rho_inf = uinf[0];
double uv_inf = uinf[1];
double rhoe_inf = uinf[2];
double RU = Mutation::RU;

double Ustate[6];
double rho_i[5]; // If kept around, these arrays should be initialized as
// some member of temp (maybe tmpapp array so it's separate from tmpg?)
double rho = 0.0;

dimensionalizeConsVars(Ucons, uinf, nspecies, 1);
conservativeToState(Ucons, Ustate, uinf, nspecies);

// Pressure outlet
double P_out = param[3*nspecies+6];

// Use pressure and rho from solution to get Temperature
double denom = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < nspecies; i++)
rho_i[i] = Ustate[i];
rho = rho + rho_i[i];
// Ucons[i] = rho_i[i];
denom = denom + RU * Ustate[i]/mix->speciesMw(i);
double T_out = P_out / denom;
double u_out = Ucons[nspecies]/rho;
// double u_out = 370.0;
// printf("Tout: %f\n", T_out);
// Set state with desnities and temperature
mix->setState(rho_i, &T_out, 1);

// Update energy
double rhoe = mix->mixtureEnergyMass() * rho;
Ustate[nspecies] = rhoe;

// printf("rhou before update: %f\n", Ucons[5]);
stateToConsVars(Ucons, u_out, Ustate, uinf, nspecies);
// printf("rhou after update: %f\n", Ucons[5]);
nondimensionalizeConsVars(Ucons, uinf, nspecies, 1);

// Here I can check that Ustate is the same mix.densities?
// and that rho u doesn't change ? ? ?
// double rhotest[5];
// mix->densities(rhotest);
// for (int i = 0; i< nspecies; i++)
// {
// printf("rho mix %i: %f\n", i, rhotest[i]/rho_inf);
// printf("rho state %i: %f\n", i, Ucons[i]);
// }

void getdTdU(double* dTdU, double* Ucons, double* Uwork, Mutation::Mixture *mix, int nspecies, int ndim)
// Uwork is a temporary array for storing things
double rho = 0.0;
for (int i=0; i<nspecies; i++)
Uwork[i] = Ucons[i]; //rho_i
rho = rho + Ucons[i];
for (int j = 0; j<ndim; j++)
Uwork[nspecies+j] = Ucons[nspecies+j] / rho; // u_i
Uwork[nspecies+ndim] = mix->mixtureEnergyMass() // OKAY SHOULD I DO THIS ALL IN DIMENSIONAL OR NONDIM COORDS...what did I do last time?
double rhou = Ucons[nspecies];
double rhoE = Ucons[nspecies+1];


// void getdPdU()
// {

// }

// double getdTdr(double* dTdr_i, double* Ucons, Mutation::Mixture *mix, int nspecies, int ndim)
// {
// double rho = 0.0;
// for (int i=0; i<nspecies; i++)
// {
// Ustate[i] = Ucons[i]; //rho_i
// rho = rho + Ucons[i];
// }
// double rhou = Ucons[nspecies];
// double rhoE = Ucons[nspecies+1];
// // double e = rhoe/rho;
// // double denom = (rho*mixture->mixtureEquilibriumCvMass());
// // return -e/denom;
// }

// double getdTdr(Mutation::Mixture *mix)
// {
// // double e = mixture->mixtureEnergyMass();
// // double rho = mixture->density();
// // double denom = (rho*mixture->mixtureEquilibriumCvMass());
// // return -e/denom;
// }

// double dTdru(double* rho_i, double* rhou)

// double getdTdre(double rho, Mutation::Mixture *mix)
// {
// // double Cv = mixture->mixtureEquilibriumCvMass();
// // double denom = rho * Cv;
// // return 1.0/denom;
// }

// double getdTdre(Mutation::Mixture *mix)
// {
// // double Cv = mixture->mixtureEquilibriumCvMass();
// // double rho = mixture->density();
// // double denom = rho * Cv;
// // return 1.0/denom;
// }

// double getP()
// {

// }

// double getKineticSource()
// {

// }

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