tosol is a command line application that convert tolua style (pkg) to Sol Lua API.
tosol -o b2Vec2.inl b2Vec2.pkg
/// A 2D column vector.
struct b2Vec2
/// Default constructor does nothing (for performance).
/// Construct using coordinates.
b2Vec2(float32 xIn, float32 yIn) : x(xIn), y(yIn);
/// Set this vector to all zeros.
void SetZero();
/// Set this vector to some specified coordinates.
void Set(float32 x_, float32 y_);
/// Negate this vector.
b2Vec2 operator -() const { b2Vec2 v; v.Set(-x, -y); return v; }
/// Read from and indexed element.
float32 operator () (int32 i) const;
/// Write to an indexed element.
float32& operator () (int32 i);
/// Add a vector to this vector.
void operator += (const b2Vec2& v);
/// Subtract a vector from this vector.
void operator -= (const b2Vec2& v);
/// Multiply this vector by a scalar.
void operator *= (float32 a);
/// Get the length of this vector (the norm).
float32 Length() const;
/// Get the length squared. For performance, use this instead of
/// b2Vec2::Length (if possible).
float32 LengthSquared() const;
/// Convert this vector into a unit vector. Returns the length.
float32 Normalize();
/// Does this vector contain finite coordinates?
bool IsValid() const;
/// Get the skew vector such that dot(skew_vec, other) == cross(vec, other)
b2Vec2 Skew() const;
float32 x, y;
Will generate this file :
** Lua binding: Sample1
** Generated automatically by tosol++0.0.9
using namespace Samples1;
inline static b2Vec2 tolua_Sample1_b2Vec2_0(void)
return b2Vec2();
inline static b2Vec2 tolua_Sample1_b2Vec2_1(float xIn, float yIn)
return b2Vec2(xIn, yIn);
int tolua_Sample1_open(sol::state & tosol_S)
b2Vec2(float xIn, float yIn)>(),
"SetZero", &b2Vec2::SetZero,
"Set", &b2Vec2::Set,
sol::meta_function::unary_minus,sol::resolve<b2Vec2() const>(&b2Vec2::operator-),
sol::meta_function::index, &b2Vec2::operator[],
sol::meta_function::addition, &b2Vec2::operator+,
sol::meta_function::subtraction,sol::resolve<b2Vec2(const b2Vec2&)>(&b2Vec2::operator-),
sol::meta_function::multiplication, sol::overload(
sol::resolve<void(const b2Vec2&)>(&b2Vec2::operator*),
"Length", &b2Vec2::Length,
"LengthSquared", &b2Vec2::LengthSquared,
"Normalize", &b2Vec2::Normalize,
"IsValid", &b2Vec2::IsValid,
"Skew", &b2Vec2::Skew,
"ToString", &b2Vec2::ToString,
"x", &b2Vec2::x,
"y", &b2Vec2::y,
"ZERO", sol::property([]() { return b2Vec2::ZERO; }));
tosol_S["Vec2"] =
sol::resolve<b2Vec2(void) >(&tolua_Sample1_b2Vec2_0),
sol::resolve<b2Vec2(float xIn, float yIn) >(&tolua_Sample1_b2Vec2_1)
return 0;
- Supports inherited classes, operators, default arguments, static variable, static const variable
- the prototype in pkg must be exactly like described in pkg (a modifier is planned)
By default, the generator will avoid sol::overload, if you have problem with mismatched, name your method as 'explicit' for example:
class Player
{ explicit int GetValue(int value); }explicit class Player { .... }
tosol makes use of C++11 and C++17 features.
- Visual Studio 2015 Community (Visual C++ 14.0)+
Sol is distributed with an MIT License. You can see LICENSE.txt for more info.