Location: ~/.config/nvim
- Install nvim
- Install a plugin manager: packer (https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim):
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim\ ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim
nvim ~/.config/nvim/lua/expensne/packer.lua :so :PackerSync
# vim: movement
H - Move cursor to header (top) line of current visible window
M - Move cursor to middle line of current visible window
L - Move cursor to last line of current visible window
m - Move up by half a page (remapped)
, - Move down by half a page (remapped)
% - Move cursor to next brace, bracket or comment paired to the current cursor location
* - Search forward for word under cursor
# vim: marking
ma - Set a marker a at cursor position to come back to later
´a - Move cursor to exact position of the marker you set with ma (remapped)
ßa - Move cursor to the first character of the line marked with ma (remapped)
# vim: misc
u - Undo
U - Undo all changes on current line
. - Redo
:gg=G - Fix indentation of whole file
# vim: window management
CTRL+w v - Split current window vertically
CTRL+w c - Close current window
CTRL+w m - Move to window according to motion m
#split screen vertical
:vs filename
:vsplit filename
vim -O file1 file2
# packer
:so - Source (shout out)
:PackerSync - Install / update packages
# remaps
:y - Yank to system clipboard (same as y)
:yy - Yank to system clipboard (same as yy)
:yg_ - Yank to system clipboard (same as yg_)
:p - Paste from system clipboard (same as p)
:P - Paste from system clipboard (same as P)
:f - Format file
# telescope
:pf - Search project files (project file)
CTRL+p - Search git files
:ps - Search string (project string)
# undotree
:u - Toggle undotree
# tree
:pv - Open and focus project explorer (project view)
g? - Shows keymaps
q - Close
c - Copy
a - Create
x - Cut
o - Edit
p - Paste
d - Remove
r - Rename
R - Refresh
s - System open
Tab - Preview
CTRL-x - Split
CTRL-t - Tabnew
# lsp-zero
:Mason - Opens mason to install language servers (install via 'i')
gd - Goto definition
K - Show docs
CTRL-h - Signature help
:vws - Search for symbol in workspace (vim workspace)
:vd - ?
:vca - Code action (viusal code action)
:vrr - ? (vim references)
:vrn - ? (vim rename)
+d - Goto next diagnostic
#d - Goto prev diagnostic
todo: https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig#suggested-configuration
# trouble
:xx - Toggle trouble
:xq - Toggle trouble quickfix
# fugitive
todo: configure
# lua
:lua applycs() - Apply color sheme
Main source and tutorial:
- https://github.com/ThePrimeagen/init.lua/tree/249f3b14cc517202c80c6babd0f9ec548351ec71
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7i4amO_zaE
brew install neovim
packer.nvim - plugin/package management
telescope.nvim - fuzzy finder
tokyonight.nvim - theme
nvim-treesitter parser generator tool
undotree - undo history / browser
nvim-tree - file explorer
- requires a patched font (e.g. MesloLG)
- install tutorial (via brew)
lsp-zero.nvim - autocomplete
trouble.nvim - list for showing diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location lists
vim-fugitive - git integration
lualine.nvim - statusline
Add this to your ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
to copy and paste to and from neovim and other apps:
set clipboard=unnamed
working with multiple files e.g. harpoon -- Using + number (1, 2, ... 9) to switch tab for i=1,9,1 do map('n', ''..i, i.."gt", {}) end map('n', '0', ":tablast", {})