Ecommerce - App This is one of the projects I developed during my internship at Eskalate. It allows users to shop for products and enables the admin to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
- Allows the user to log in to the system.
- Allows the user to sign up for the system.
- Allows the user to view the details of the products.
- Allows the user to Search products by inserting a query.
- Allows the user to see all available products.
- Allows the admin to add products by entering the required fields.
- Allows the admin to update a product.
- Allows the admin to delete any product they want
Here are some screenshots showing the product in action:
The technologies and tools I used while developing this project are
- Flutter: A UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
- Dart: The programming language used to develop Flutter applications.
- BLoC (Business Logic Component): A state management solution that helps separate presentation from business logic in Flutter applications.
- GetIt:A popular package for dependency injection in Flutter.
Step-by-step instructions on how to get the development environment running.
# Clone this repository
# Navigate into the repository
cd On-boarding
# Navigate into the repository
cd E-comerce
# Install dependencies
flutter pub get
# Run the app
flutter run
Please feel free to ask questions or reach out.