Change log:
Corresponding eZ Platform release: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform/releases/tag/v1.6.0-beta1
eZ Studio changes since version 1.5.0:
ezsystems/flex-workflow v1.6.0-beta1
- EZS-1014: Lower the priority for send for review button in content editor
- EZS-583: [IE11] It's not possible to click the remove reviewer button
- EZS-541: Punctuation issue in the default review message
- EZS-582: Flew submission blury
- EZS-902: Incorrect link when switching to View mode after review request
- EZS-923: Incorrect review link when send content in different siteaccess
- EZS-960: Can't send new draft landing page to review
ezsystems/landing-page-fieldtype-bundle v1.6.0-beta1
- EZS-936: Translation problem in Studio Preview
- EZS-941: Can't edit Landing Page after changing default layout zone Id
ezsystems/studio-ui-bundle v1.6.0-beta1
- EZS-974: Input fields should be able to display placeholders
- EZS-1006: As a developer I would like to define custom logic for rendering view in a workspace
- EZS-1001: Update schedule block airtime popup
- EZS-1007: Change the way of providing Dragster.js - 3rd party library
- EZS-859: Schedule block overflow radio reset
- EZS-868: Schedule block slot action menu misplaced after changing zone
- EZS-902: Incorrect link when switching to View mode after review request
- EZS-934: Incorrect display of buttons in the top action bar of eZ Studio
- EZS-857: Tag block preview margin issue when next to Schedule block
- EZS-862: Can create content in Studio UI as child of a Content item that isn't a container
- EZS-919: Preview and edit shows different LP with translation
- EZS-940: Update JS unit test to the latest changes
- [EZS 949](https://jira.ez.no/browse/EZS 949): Different top menu in preview and edit mode
- EZS-939: eZ Studio redirects a user to PlatformUI when trying to edit a landing page
- EZS-951: Different top menu in preview and edit mode when reviewing landing page
- EZS-952: eZ Studio hangs forever with grayed out and spinner
- EZS-956: Switching between versions in view mode does not work correctly
- EZS-962: The popup gets covered by the top action bar
- EZS-933: Fix random errors during login in Studio behat suite
- EZS-967: Application hangs when switching from Edit mode to dashboard (property style)
- EZS-975: Cannot disable embed field button
- EZS-976: Textarea field has incorrect height
- EZS-981: The block state not reset when previous valid form data has been restored
- EZS-978: Tag block validation is triggered prematurely
- EZS-950: Flex workflow for landingpage
- EZS-900: Editing translated version sets language to english
- EZS-980: Empty values handled incorrectly in the fields
- EZS-961: Cannot edit Landing Page with numerical nam
- EZS-991: Cannot enter Edit mode from Versions pop-up
- EZS-992: Not able to clear embed field content description after clearing field value
- EZS-998: Landing page -> delete draft -> deletes the complete object
ezsystems/ezstudio-installer v1.3.0-beta1
- EZS-936: Translation problem in Studio Preview