Change log:
Corresponding eZ Platform release: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform/releases/tag/v1.6.0-rc1
eZ Studio changes since version v1.6.0-beta1:
ezsystems/flex-workflow v1.6.0-rc1
- EZS-1018: Content is send to review after save draft
ezsystems/studio-ui-bundle v1.6.0-rc1
- EZS-1017: As a developer, I want to be able to send custom callback to saveAction event
- EZS-990: Send to Trash pop-up is not visible in Edit mode
- EZS-1012: Landing page edit UI - Block list scrollbar
- EZS-1027: LP block icons are not visible when dragging from menu to zone
- EZS-1028: Cannot edit article in Studio
- EZS-1031: Drop here frame does not appear for empty zone
- EZS-844: Not able to scroll the preview when dragging element to the edge of workspace
- EZS-1035: Wrong position of shadow element when page is scrolled
- EZS-1002: Confuse Landing Page version management in eZ Studio
- EZS-1042: Cannot read property error when scrolling in view mode with open console
- EZS-1045: Empty Schedule block preview sticks out while dragging