Change log:
Corresponding eZ Platform release: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform/releases/tag/v1.7.0
eZ Studio changes since version 1.6.0:
ezsystems/flex-workflow v1.7.0
- EZS-1132: Add confirm box on send for review when content is scheduled
- EZS-965: As a user, I want to receive notification after the content is published
- EZS-1234: Wrong text in notification bar when scheduled content is published
- EZS-1108: Missing hover for Send for Review
ezsystems/landing-page-fieldtype-bundle v1.7.0
ezsystems/studio-ui-bundle v1.7.0
- EZS-1058: Create the areSame handlebars helper
- EZS-1059: Add radio field reference to form field map
- EZS-1074: Allow to control how the field values are populated on render
- EZS-1078: Update dragster.js to v.1.3.2
- EZS-1095: As a developer I would like to use a boolean checkbox field in the forms
- EZS-1098: As a developer I would like to generate a GUID in many places
- EZS-1116: As a developer I would like to configure the UDW
- EZS-1135: Allow to perform post init actions on block when entering landing page editor
- EZS-1132: Add confirm box on send for review when content is scheduled
- EZS-1161: Create form builder scenario
- EZS-965: As a user, I want to receive notification after the content is published
- EZS-1223: Implement required state change detection in the field views
- EZS-1003: Wrong Urls used for siteaccesses with defined root_location in ez studio's view mode
- EZS-1101: Textarea fields don't send events when their values have changed
- EZS-1119: Extending PlatformUI generates an issue with eZ Studio
- EZS-1144: The radio and textarea fields are not reflecting a correct view values state
- EZS-1164: Using querystring-stringify as ezs-studionavigationhubplugin dependency causes errors
- EZS-1136: Publish later manual date selection does not work
- EZS-1176: Required checkbox inverted behaviour
- EZS-1174: Form builder block changes drop zone size
- EZS-1201: Personalization block doesn't show dropdowns content when editing existing landing page
- EZS-1146: Unable to publish a landing page with a language different than the default one
- EZS-1198: For Required field for Form elements - both the check box and the label should be in the same line and remove the question mark
- EZS-1129: Siteaccess preview fails with SSL configuration
- EZS-1207: ReverseMatcher doesn't work correctly
- EZS-1221: When combine: true is not defined in any extensions yui.yml file it tries to download YUI3 from external Yahoo CDNs
- /EZS-1224: Incorrect dropzone height makes dropping blocks difficult
- EZS-1142: Landing page edit UI - publish button disabled
- EZS-1085: Draft version stays after publishing
- EZS-1051: Wrong redirection after send to trash
- EZS-603: In-product pages not loaded over HTTPS
- EZS-1157: Problems with timeline slider in Edit mode in Chrome
- EZS-657: It is possible to drop one block into two zones at the same time
- EZS-1082: Not possible to select block right under top action bar
- EZS-1243: Dropzone height issue on Firefox
- EZS-1081: Schedule block hero height does not reset
- EZS-1249: Unexpected error after submit w/o selecting redirect location after publish
- EZS-1038: Not able to drop many empty blocks onto landing page at once
ezsystems/ezstudio-installer v1.4.0
- EZS-1167: Add Form Builder component to ezstudio meta repository
- EZS-1169: Add Date Based Publisher component to ezstudio meta repository
- EZS-1186: Removing submissions functionality
- EZS-1139: Home content object has missing data on studio-clean
- EZS-1232: Redirect to location doesn't work, switch to contentId
- EZS-1242: Form Builder Landing Page relations does not work
- EZS-1245: Wrong DateBasedPublisher table name (ez* prefix missing)