Change log:
Corresponding eZ Platform release: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform/releases/tag/v1.7.8
StudioUIBundle changes between v1.7.7 and v1.7.8
- EZP-28041: As a Developer I want to run studioUI behat tests on travis when creating PRs (#857)
- EZP-29107: Use Varnish Docker setup on Travis (#898)
- EZP-29455: Prepare full regression setup with default configuration (#906)
- EZEE-1866: Landing Page editor doesn't work with Map\URI siteaccess matcher (#874)
- EZEE-1610: Investigate timeouts in Behat tests (#882)
- EZEE-1898: Long names don't fit inside Landing Page Blocks (#885)
- EZEE-1887: As editor I want to see LandingPage preview with the correct template before publish (#886)
- EZEE-1906: SiteAccess Matching with Map\Host Studio (#894)
- EZEE-1946: Long names in Landing Page Blocks on Firefox (#896)
EzLandingPageFieldTypeBundle changes between v1.7.5 and v1.7.6
flex-workflow changes between v1.7.2 and v1.7.3
- EZEE-1788: Update php-cs-fixer configuration to align with v2.7.1 (#89)
- EZP-28041: As a Developer I want to run studioUI behat tests on travis when creating PRs (#94)
- EZEE-617: Google plus link contains typo in email with flex workflow notification (#98)
- EZEE-2183: Review link in email Content Review Notification does not contain domain (#110)
ezplatform-ee-installer changes between v1.4.1 and v1.4.2
- EZEE-1870: Add main location to 'eZ Platform' (Content ID: 1)