Change log:
Corresponding eZ Platform release: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform/releases/tag/v2.2.2
ezplatform-page-fieldtype changes between v1.0.1 and v1.0.3
- EZEE-2240: Removing Landing Page translation removes all blocks from all translations (#34)
- EZEE-2257: Editing custom block after adding additional attribute will fail with an exception (#36)
- EZEE-2258: Can't hide block in Page Builder (#37)
ezplatform-page-builder changes between v1.0.1 and v1.0.2
- EZEE-2179: Cannot scroll window while dragging a sidebar block (#134)
- EZEE-2213: Drop down menu should be closed after cancellation just like that when you cancel switching layout (#139)
- EZEE-2193: Display bug on content bloc on edit mode (#140)
- EZEE-2237: Error when CSS class contains more than one space (#142)
- EZEE-2254: Memory leak when rendering PreviewBlock (#144)
- EZEE-2258: Can't hide block in Page Builder (#147)
- EZEE-2181: Further coverage of Page Builder with automated tests
- EZP-29278: Further coverage of Page Builder with automated tests (#129)
- EZEE-2236: As a QA I want to run Travis after merging (#141)