Change log:
Changes since 2.4.1
ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v1.4.1 and v1.4.3
- EZP-29857: Unable to upload audio to Media field type (#808)
- EZP-30093: Service extending eZ\Publish\Core\Repository\LocationService will make cache:clear fail (#822)
- EZP-30103: Missing asterisks from obligatory fields in Admin menu (#828)
- EZP-29410: As an Editor I want to be informed that I can't edit CI because of missing policies. (#835)
- EZP-30032: Publishing Article containing Custom Tag inside Intro field results in broken Custom Tag and error (#833)
- EZP-30096: Solr scoring is not taken into account in the backend search results list order (#825)
- EZP-30007: Link to another page is not saved in Richtext (#848)
ezplatform-admin-ui-modules changes between v1.4.1 and v1.4.2
- EZP-30042: I can see fine grey lines in Bookmark & Search tables in UDW (#135)
- EZP-30138: Solr scoring is not taken into account in the UDW search results list order (#141)
ezplatform-richtext changes between v1.0.1 and v1.0.2
ezplatform-solr-search-engine changes between v1.5.4 and v1.5.6
- EZP-29984: Solr Field LIKE criterion is not behaving like on Legacy Storage Engine (#128)
- EZP-30136: Updating content with "ezuser" field will not commit changes to Solr (#130)
ezpublish-kernel changes between v7.4.2 and v7.4.3
- EZP-29466: As a Developer, I would like to have configuration for absolute/relative URLs for generated images (#2511)
- EZP-29041: CI is not refreshed when item from ezobjectrelationlist is removed permanently (#2515)
- EZP-28663: Cannot swap location when viewing item from non-main location (#2531)
- EZP-29984: Solr Field LIKE criterion is not behaving like on Legacy Storage Engine (#2517)
- EZP-29980: Content/Read policy for Section:Media is missing for Anonymous user (#2513)
- EZP-30122: Missing argumentName parameter in InvalidArgumentType exception (#2542)
- EZP-30118: Fix typo in UnauthorizedException message (#2541)
- EZP-30013: --env option not passed to parallel processes of ezplatform:reindex Command (#2526)
- EZP-30146: Pagination bug page with more than 3500 sub items (#2546)
- EZP-30136: Updating content with "ezuser" field will not commit changes to Solr (#2544)