v2.5.0 LTS
Change log:
Changes since 2.4.0
ez-support-tools changes between v0.2.1 and v1.0.0
- EZP-30262: Online documentation link in basic info won't work (#32)
- EZP-30221: Trial/GPL info panel opening is laggy (#33)
ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v1.4.0 and v1.5.0
- EZP-29168: Side & Context Menu bars styling improvements (#800)
- EZP-29026: As an Editor, I want to be able to assign a section to a subtree (#798)
- EZP-29849: Allow user to remove location in subtree/location limitation (content/create) (#799)
- EZP-29998: As a developer, I want to define icons for content types (#804)
- EZP-30064: As an editor I would like to view a content tree in location view (with mocked data) (#814)
- EZP-30088: Remove isValid check if a form is handled by submitHandler (#819)
- EZP-30069: As an editor I would like to change manually the width of content tree panel (#820)
- EZP-30024: Simplify object states table (#816)
- EZP-30073: As an editor I would like to see a content tree button in the left sidebar (#821)
- EZP-29320: As an Editor, I want to be able to switch content main translation in PlatformUI (#811)
- EZP-30109: Add autofocus attribute to creation forms in the Admin section (#829)
- EZP-30090: As an editor I would like content tree panel staying opened until clicking on a Content Tree button again (#826)
- EZP-29999: As an editor, I want to see custom icons for content types (#832)
- EZP-29961: Add preferred language value to User Preferences (#774)
- EZP-29856: Expose form's data ContentCreateStruct in content create view (#844)
- EZP-30066: As an editor I would like to see current location marked as selected in the content tree (#836)
- EZP-30036: Use Webpack Encore in Admin UI bundle (#796)
- EZP-30100: As an Editor I want to change Object States with dropdowns instead of Set buttons (#847)
- EZP-30162: Revert BC broken in EZP-30100 (#851)
- EZP-29990: As an Administrator I want to translate ezselection Field Definition options (#824)
- EZP-30158: As an Editor I want to assign Section or set sorting order with dropdowns instead of buttons (#849)
- EZP-29280: As an editor, I want to add anchors to RichText content (#831)
- EZP-30065: As an editor I would like content tree to use real data (#855)
- EZP-30071: As an editor I would like to see tables not breaking location view design while making its container small (#840)
- EZP-30174: Update style of content type icons (#859)
- EZP-30072: As an editor I would like to see the content tree state restored after reloading a page (#857)
- EZP-29140: UserBundle (#866)
- EZP-29104: Spike on ImageAsset field type
- EZP-30185: Expose ContentTree configuration to AdminUI (#861)
- EZP-30187: As an editor I would like content tree to always have expanded current location (#867)
- EZP-30184: As an Editor I want to collapse/expand content preview (#860)
- EZP-30209: Expose logged User ID to ContentTree (#870)
- EZP-30205: As an editor I would like content tree to hold separate state for different users (#871)
- EZP-29802: Inline custom tags support (#869)
- EZP-30139: As an editor I want to hide and reveal a content item (#865)
- EZP-29115: Add characters counter for text inputs (#741)
- EZP-30224: Make
twig global load user settings dynamically (#876) - EZP-30099: Define preferred user date format (#846)
- EZP-30114: As an editor, I want the online editor toolbar to be sticky to the top of the text area (#895)
- EZP-30229: [Hide/Reveal] User should be able to set Location visibility as he desire, regardless of Content hide/reveal state (#896)
- EZP-30359: Override Content Tree module root for Users, Media, Forms locations (#928)
- EZP-30366: Allow to use custom CK Editor plugins in Alloy Editor (#931)
- EZP-20269: Update copyright year to 2013 (#888)
- EZP-29857: Unable to upload audio to Media field type (#808)
- EZP-30058: Section form: Name should be moved up (#813)
- EZP-30094: User is unable to change object state (#823)
- EZP-30093: Service extending eZ\Publish\Core\Repository\LocationService will make cache:clear fail (#822)
- EZP-30103: Missing asterisks from obligatory fields in Admin menu (#828)
- EZP-30119: cache clear command causes database error when database is not configured (#834)
- EZP-30124: Right sidebar menu is broken when editing link in Link manager (#837)
- EZP-30125: Error page is displayed with right sidebar (#838)
- EZP-29410: As an Editor I want to be informed that I can't edit CI because of missing policies. (#835)
- EZP-30102: Selected item in ezselection field type confuses user (#839)
- EZP-30032: Publishing Article containing Custom Tag inside Intro field results in broken Custom Tag and error (#833)
- EZP-30096: Solr scoring is not taken into account in the backend search results list order (#825)
- EZP-30007: Link to another page is not saved in Richtext (#848)
- EZP-30156: eZ logo is not aligned with other entries in the main menu (2.5) (#850)
- EZP-30172: Cannot edit Content Type with ezobjectrelation/ezobjectrelationlist with deleted starting location (#853)
- EZP-29539: Deleting object will remove all subtree items even when user does not have permission to delete them (#827)
- EZP-30182: ContentTree/loadSubitems action is not respecting offset value
- EZP-20181: Change eZ Publish logo in admin interface for the EE (#858)
- EZP-30192: Content Tree panel is partially visible when toggled (#864)
- EZP-30197: Missing default value for content_tree_module.tree_root_location_id setting (#868)
- EZP-30220: CustomTagTest::testMapConfig fails in phpunit (#874)
- EZP-30223: Collapse all button is not always displayed in Content Tree (#880)
- EZP-30231: When resizing Content Tree text is accidentally selected (#881)
- EZP-30235: Editor can't add location if content/create limitations on ContentType of Parent are set (#882)
- EZP-30241: Characters counter does not work when formatted style is used (#883)
- EZP-30239: Characters counter is activated only after clicking on RTE in edit mode (#884)
- EZP-30242: Characters counter does not work properly with embed inline (#885)
- EZP-30258: [Content tree] After reloading tree is partially collapsed (#887)
- EZP-30214: Content Tree does not open in Bookmarks, Trash & Search views (#877)
- EZP-30251: Display the rendering of time & date when editing the Short/Long Date & Time format (#889)
- EZP-30230: [Content tree] Inconsistency when displaying hidden content items (#891)
- EZEE-2533: [Forms] Error HTTP 400 trying to preview Form during creation (#892)
- EZP-30164: After removing option from ezselection it it not possible to add more options (#894)
- EZP-29279: Inconsistencies in values displayed by Date Field Type (#598)
- EZP-30175: Error when editing anchor in image (#898)
- EZP-30287: Cannot add inline custom tag to table (#899)
- EZP-30297: error when I try to add a translation for a user object (#906)
- EZP-30307: After removing option from ezauthor it is not possible to add more (#902)
- EZP-30107: Name of Content Item is not updated after changing the main language (#897)
- EZP-30179: Anchor to image not displayed when returning to editor (#903)
- EZP-30291: Console error when adding link inside inline custom tag (#905)
- EZEE-2718: Parent location is always previewed in PB after removing child of Landing Page type (#900)
- EZEE-2716: Richtext block: tooltip for links can render in way that part of it won't be visible (#886)
- EZP-30244: Number of words is incorrect when inline custom tag is included (#890)
- EZP-30308: User menu changes width depending on user name length (#908)
- EZP-30176: Anchor icon changes position in table (#907)
- EZP-30286: Inline custom tag toolbar skips when moving cursor outside RTE (#911)
- EZP-30285: Focus is set to inline custom tag toolbar in edit mode (#912)
- EZP-30206: Anchor icon is displayed even if anchor is not saved (#913)
- EZEE-2481: Time picker bases on system time ignoring time zone in user settings (#893)
- EZP-30288: Inline custom tag does not work with formatted style (#915)
- EZP-30219: Message displayed for content item visibility should be below content title (#916)
- EZP-30233: Messages for content item visibility are not displayed for all scenarios (#918)
- EZP-30178: Extra spaces added after placing anchor when formatted style is used (#917)
- EZP-30326: As a user I want to see if my search in UDW has no results (#920)
- EZP-30312: Performing actions from subitems list does not refresh the Content Tree (#921)
- EZP-30304: Cannot change text position in RTE (#922)
- EZP-29056: [Object States] Update notification for Object State Group and Object State contains Identifiers instead of Names (#923)
- EZP-30177: Validation of XML content failed when adding two anchors with the same name (#919)
- EZP-30323: Copy Subtree does not use data-udw-config (#924)
- EZP-29752: Cannot Move Up/Down table in RichText Editor (#927)
- EZP-30163: Icons are not aligned with other elements (#925)
- EZP-30329: [Chrome] Drag and drop does not work for ezfile, ezmedia, ezimage (#929)
- EZP-30342: Content tree should hold separate state for different users (opened/closed) (#932)
- EZP-30362: Hidden default location in Relation List field type crashes Content Type editing (#933)
- EZP-30346: Broken notifications with html (#930)
- EZP-30263: User date format don't apply to date fields in content item update and preview (#909)
- EZP-29754: Embed block is overwritten by Table in RichText Editor (#939)
- EZP-30154: Cannot select an item when browsing the UDW if my role has a policy Content/Create with Content Type limitation (#940)
- EZP-30375: User is unable to go to Content structure without Content/Reverserelatedlist (#941)
- EZP-30269: [Content Tree] Collapse all button jumps a little bit when scrolling
- EZP-29291: [Content Type] redis cache doesn't refresh automatically when creating CT with API in behat tests (#910)
ezplatform-admin-ui-modules changes between v1.4.0 and v1.5.0
- EZP-29994: Move CSS files for Multi File Upload Module to Admin UI (#126)
- EZP-29995: Move CSS files for Sub Items List Module to Admin UI (#131)
- EZP-29996: Move CSS files for Universal Discovery Module to Admin UI (#130)
- EZP-30064: As an editor I would like to view a content tree in location view (with mocked data) (#136)
- EZP-30069: As an editor I would like to change manually the width of content tree panel (#137)
- EZP-29999: As an editor, I want to see custom icons for content types (#132)
- EZP-30070: As an editor I would like content tree to match design from wireframes (#139)
- EZP-30066: As an editor I would like to see current location marked as selected in the content tree (#140)
- EZP-30037: Use Webpack Encore in Admin UI modules bundle (#133)
- EZP-30065: As an editor I would like content tree to use real data (#143)
- EZP-30071: As an editor I would like to see tables not breaking location view design while making its container small (#138)
- EZP-30075: As an editor I would like to be redirected to a location after clicking on it in the content tree (#147)
- EZP-30072: As an editor I would like to see the content tree state restored after reloading a page (#144)
- EZP-30187: As an editor I would like content tree to always have expanded current location (#149)
- EZP-30196: "Select a Content Type" from UDW -> Create is missing Content Type icons (#151)
- EZP-30193: As an editor I would like content tree to "Collapse all" button (#150)
- EZP-30195: As a developer I would like content tree to use config from the backend (#152)
- EZP-30188: As an editor I would like content tree to display spinner while loading items (#153)
- EZP-30205: As an editor I would like content tree to hold separate state for different users (#155)
- EZP-30310: As a Developer, I should be able to configure search limits in UDW
- EZEE-2660: 500 error occurs when publishing form in form on the fly (#125)
- EZP-30042: I can see fine grey lines in Bookmark & Search tables in UDW (#135)
- EZP-30021: Inactive UDW tabs have wrong background colour (#134)
- EZP-30138: Solr scoring is not taken into account in the UDW search results list order (#141)
- EZP-29888: Content Meta Preview appears on Bookmarks tab in UDW (#120)
- EZP-30207: "Show more" button does not show in root if not all items are loaded (#154)
- EZP-30232: Item highlight is cropped in Content Tree with scroll (#156)
- EZP-30243: [Content tree] Loading limit reached displayed when collapsed (#157)
- EZP-30258: [Content tree] After reloading tree is partially collapsed
- EZP-30280: [Content Tree] Saved tree state does not delete locations deleted on the backend (#158)
- EZP-30289: Content Tree does not load when root location has no items (#159)
- EZP-30245: Bulk delete - item is removed to trash, but user gets permission message (#161)
- EZP-30290: When Content Meta Preview title is too long Content Meta Preview container goes down (#162)
- EZP-30317: Styling updates for Content Tree (#164)
- EZP-30264: No permission message is blinking in UDW (#166)
- EZP-30332: [Safari] Bookmark button is not visible before clicking (#167)
- EZP-30312: Performing actions from subitems list does not refresh the Content Tree (#169)
- EZP-30326: As a user I want to see if my search in UDW has no results (#168)
- EZP-30356: "Show more" button from Content Tree should be consistent with "Show more" from UDW
- EZP-30263: User date format don't apply to date fields in content item update and preview (#173)
- EZP-30341: Needless scroll in UDW (#174)
- EZP-30368: As an editor I would like Content Tree to display message when there are no sub-items (#172)
- EZP-30346: Broken notifications with html (#170)
- EZP-30154: Cannot select an item when browsing the UDW if my role has a policy Content/Create with Content Type limitation (#175)
ezplatform-http-cache changes between v0.8.0 and v0.9.0
- EZP-29817: Varnish - Purge requests with tokens (#72)
- EZP-29194: HttpCache tagging needs to support installs with several repositories (#73)
- EZP-30170: Drop Varnish 4 and 5.0 support (#77)
ezplatform-richtext changes between v1.0.0 and v1.1.0
- EZP-29280: As an editor, I want to add anchors to RichText content (#28)
- EZP-29802: Inline custom tags support (#29)
- EZP-30366: Allow to use custom CK Editor plugins in Alloy Editor (#31)
- EZP-30012: Creating a new class in legacy admin interface fails with legacy ezrichtext extension installed (#26)
- EZP-29927: Content Type translation not used on richtext fields (#27)
- EZP-30319: Default templates for RichText Custom Styles are not used (#30)
ezplatform-solr-search-engine changes between v1.5.4 and v1.6.0
- EZP-30169: Drop Solr 4 support (#131)
- EZP-30139: As an editor I want to hide and reveal a content item (#133)
- EZP-29984: Solr Field LIKE criterion is not behaving like on Legacy Storage Engine (#128)
- EZP-30136: Updating content with "ezuser" field will not commit changes to Solr (#130)
- EZP-30282: [Solr bundle] Indexation of related objects KO (#135)
ezplatform-standard-design changes between v0.1.0 and v0.2.0
ezpublish-kernel changes between v7.4.0 and v7.5.0
- EZP-29997: Expose information about removed content items in EmptyTrashSignal and DeleteTrashItemSignal (#2520)
- EZP-29559: Delete sleeping requirement for non-empty roles (#2525)
- EZP-30008: More unique uniqid() (#2523)
- EZP-29850: As a Developer I want API to assign a Section to a subtree (#2521)
- EZP-30028: As a Developer I'd like sudo() to be exposed on API (#2528)
- EZP-29961: Add preferred language value to User Preferences (#2516)
- EZP-29466: As a Developer, I would like to have configuration for absolute/relative URLs for generated images (#2511)
- EZP-30029: As a Developer I'd like API for bulk loading Content Info Items (#2529)
- EZP-30006: As a Developer I possibility to load several languages at once (#2524)
- EZP-29990: As an Administrator I want to translate ezselection Field Definition options (#2532)
- EZP-30149: As a Developer I want uniform eznotification DB table definition across all DBMS-es (#2550)
- EZP-30139: As an editor I want to hide and reveal a content item (#2569)
- EZP-29938: As a Maintainer I want to install eZ Platform OSS on PostgreSQL database (#2552)
- EZP-30111: [REST] Add status to RestContent output (#2537)
- EZP-29659: As a v2 Developer I want support for InMemory SPI cache (#2553)
- EZP-30316: Increase default minimum password length (#2570)
- EZP-30340: As a Developer I want in-memory cache for User Preferences (#2582)
- EZP-30335: As a Developer I want in-memory cache to clear cache using LFU approach (#2576)
- EZP-30229: [Hide/Reveal] User should be able to set Location visibility as he desire, regardless of Content hide/reveal state (#2562)
- EZP-30004: ezplatform:urls:regenerate-aliases changes parent of broken link (#2522)
- EZP-29924: Can't save ContentType with RelationList which has selectionMethod from legacy (#2518)
- EZP-29959: Token not found exception in ContentViewBuilder when used to build own exception page (#2533)
- EZP-29041: CI is not refreshed when item from ezobjectrelationlist is removed permanently (#2515)
- EZP-28663: Cannot swap location when viewing item from non-main location (#2531)
- EZP-29984: Solr Field LIKE criterion is not behaving like on Legacy Storage Engine (#2517)
- EZP-29980: Content/Read policy for Section:Media is missing for Anonymous user (#2513)
- EZP-30122: Missing argumentName parameter in InvalidArgumentType exception (#2542)
- EZP-30118: Fix typo in UnauthorizedException message (#2541)
- EZP-30013: --env option not passed to parallel processes of ezplatform:reindex Command (#2526)
- EZP-30146: Pagination bug page with more than 3500 sub items (#2546)
- EZP-30136: Updating content with "ezuser" field will not commit changes to Solr (#2544)
- EZP-29539: Deleting object will remove all subtree items even when user does not have permission to delete them (#2536)
- EZP-30144: No translations are generated from custom language packages to javascript (#2547)
- EZP-29724: Standard Design overwrites SiteAccess-aware template settings (#2554)
- EZP-30204: Repairing broken URL aliases sometimes uses broken original entry (#2551)
- EZP-29891: "Add Location" button is greyed out although editor has sufficient rights (#2539)
- EZP-29279: Inconsistencies in values displayed by Date Field Type (#2499)
- EZP-30147: Moving a subtree with invisible (hidden by parent) items fails (#2561)
- EZP-30202: Error to preview / publish content item with empty Image Asset field (#2556)
- EZP-30107: Name of Content Item is not updated after changing the main language (#2563)
- EZP-30300: [Content tree] Setting tree root to location id 1 causes Internal Sever Error (#2587)
- EZP-30322: The list of users assigned to Role is not updated (#2568)
- EZP-30230: [Content tree] Inconsistency when displaying hidden content items (#2567)
- EZP-30271: Published version table disappears after bulk removing of drafts under edit (#2571)
- EZP-30331: Cannot edit ezmedia properties after publishing (#2581)
- EZP-30314: [REST] Content is cached even after deletion (#2584)
- EZP-30350: As a Developer I want in-memory to not break BC for cache clearing (#2586)
- EZP-30365: Accessing some invalid links will result in 500 error instead of 404 (#2589)
- EZP-29324: [MySQL] ezcontentobject_tree_contentobject_id_path_string index column size is too large
- EZP-30374: [SchemaBuilder] Missing PK column length in generated SQL (#2592)
repository-forms changes between v2.4.0 and v2.5.0
- EZP-30008: More unique uniqid() (#271)
- EZP-29849: Allow user to remove location in subtree/location limitation (content/create) (#273)
- EZP-29990: As an Administrator I want to translate ezselection Field Definition options (#277)
- EZP-29140: UserBundle (#278)
- EZP-29104: Spike on ImageAsset field type (#281)
- EZP-29979: As a developer I would like to use getLocation method on ContentCreateSuccessView and ContentEditSuccessView (#270)
- EZP-29857: Unable to upload audio to Media field type (#276)
- EZP-30172: Cannot edit Content Type with ezobjectrelation/ezobjectrelationlist with deleted starting location (#279)
- EZP-30181: Editor is not able to select any item in the ezobjectrelation/ezobjectrelationlist FTs if starting location is not accessible (#280)
- EZP-30297: error when I try to add a translation for a user object (#282)
- EZP-30362: Hidden default location in Relation List field type crashes Content Type editing (#286)
ezsystems/doctrine-dbal-schema v0.1.0
New repository.
ezplatform-graphql v1.0.0
New repository.
ezplatform-user v1.0.0
New repository.
ezplatform-matrix-fieldtype v1.0.0
New repository.