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ED with lower-case data

This note explains what I think needs to be adapted to train an ED model for REL with lower-case data. The steps are based on the tutorial for a new Wikipedia corpus and on the paper/my understanding of the paper, whose summary is in the document

The content is as follows:

  1. Rough overview of the problem
  2. Detailed notes and comments

1. Overview

  1. Creating a folder structure
    • No changes
    • But : There are duplicated rows in the database in the lower column. Currently the package just loads the first entry in this case. Is this the intended use? What to do about it? Issue a warning? Consolidate the $p$ scores from each duplicate into one (but two rows with the same entry in lowercase may differ in the column word, see details)? Issue warning?
  2. Embeddings
    • run Wikipedia2Vec with the lower case option
    • Then the embeddings are stored in the db (see "Storing Embeddings in DB").
    • Questions
      • Do the embeddings and p_e_m scores change as a result? --I am no sure at the moment.
      • What needs to be changed to make sure that REL finds the correct reference in the database? -- This depends on how casing impacts database keys and the queries that REL performs to the database.
      • Implementation: how should the database (and software) be set up for cased and uncased data? Is duplicating the database an option at all (ie, embeddings and p_e_m scores for cased and for uncased inputs)?
      • Or is the idea to leave the Wikipedia data as-is and just use the fallback query with lower when using REL with lower-case data?
  3. Generating training, validation and test files
    • No direct change in the processing
    • See the file generate_training_test
      • it stores the data to data/wiki_version/generated/test_train_data/. The mentions are cased.
        • Implication: no need to re-generate the data here, but for the training the keys of the dictionary need to be put into lower case
  4. Training your own Entity Disambiguation model
    • largely follow the existing instructions
    • uncase the keys in the method TrainingEvaluationDatasets.load() (from point 3 above).

2. Details

1. Creating a folder structure

  • data exist and are in right structure
  • extracting a wikipedia dump
    • we just use the existing data
  • generate $p(e|m)$ index (--this will be used for the candidate selection) as follows
    wiki_yago_freq = WikipediaYagoFreq() # initialize
    wiki_yago_freq.compute_wiki() # p(e|m) index
    wiki_yago_freq.compute_custom() # Yago and combine with p(e|m) # write to database. database columns: (word, p_e_m, lower, freq)
  • The key output from this step is the database table wiki. The database serves the package with the candidate mentions, which are queried in later steps.

Does it matter whether we use lower-case data or not?

Do the queries work? / Do they return the same things with cased and uncased data?

  • The query may work mechanically because we have a column lower and can search for the mention by referring to the lower column

  • The problem could be that there are duplicates in the lower column:

    select count(*) from wiki; -- returns 23202365
    select count(distinct word) from wiki; -- returns 23202365
    select count(distinct lower) from wiki; -- returns 16011257
    • Example duplicates seem to be mostly different spelling of the same entity, ie select * from wiki where lower = "cinco de mayo" ; or select * from wiki where lower = "nextstep" ;
    • So, what is this table again for exactly? -- they key is how the database is used.
      • We look for word in the database -- that should work fine
      • We look for lower in the database. It seems that REL currently picks a random row in this case (.fetchone), which could be problematic because
        • The content of freq varies across rows with the same value of lower (see cinco de mayo example)
        • The content of p_e_m varies across rows with the same value of lower (see nextstep example)
      • This not only affects the proposed change for lowercase, but is already used at the moment
        • when running, it is called from mention_detection.find_mentions(). It quereis the column freq and I suppose this is used to make the predictions.
        • In mention_detection.MentionDetectionBase() as a fallback when the capitalized mention is not found in the database. This is called for instance in mention_detection.find_mentions().
          • Because most entries in lower are still unique, this works in many cases. But for the things I checked, it could fail for instance for the mention "NWS"
      • Moreover, I suppose it is used for training, but have not verified
      • How important is this in pratice? It probably adds some noise to the data makes the prediction less precise. But not hugely so because the majority of entries in lower are still unique.
  • Here is how the database is queried (class DB in REL.db.base) -- it is used in

def lookup_wik(self, w, table_name, column):
        w: word to look up.
        embeddings for ``w``, if it exists.
        ``None``, otherwise.
    if column == "lower": # so what happens here if the entries in lower are not unique?
        e = self.cursor.execute(
            "select word from {} where {} = :word".format(table_name, column),
            {"word": w},
        e = self.cursor.execute(
            "select {} from {} where word = :word".format(column, table_name),
            {"word": w},
    res = (
        e if e is None else json.loads(e[0].decode()) if column == "p_e_m" else e[0]

    return res

Do the calculated p_e_m scores depend on whether mentions are lowercased or not? (ignoring the above issue)

  • Check again how exactly the p_e_m scores are calculated

Some other notes

  • I instantiated a wikipedia = Wikipedia() instance. wikipedia.wiki_id_name_map is a dict with keys [ent_name_to_id, ent_id_to_name].
    • the keys are the named entities, eg "Alexander Aetolos"

2. Embeddings

a) Wikipedia2Vec

  • need the zipped data
  • wikipedia2vec
    • see the documentation of that package. wikipedia train is the main function and has the option --lowercase/--no-lowercase and calls several other functions
    • in file REL/scripts/
      • add the option lower case (what is the default?) wikipedia2vec build-dictionary dump_file dump_dict --min-entity-count 0
      • the function build-mention-db has an option --case-sensitive, so do we have to fix this as well?
        • --> how is it implemented in the main train function?
        • the default here seems to be False? is this also used for the current default in REL? can I see this somewhere?
    • the file REL/scripts/ then uses the output from the previous file for training.
      • I think there is nothing to be changed for the lowercase option

Thoughts, comments and questions

  • Is there a reason all this stuff is not part of the package? ie, wikipedia2vec is not in the package and needs pip install; when we extend and allow for the lower case option, do we want this to be an option in the whole package, or leave it as it is for now outside of it (but instead in a tutorial?)
    • Answer: See the tutorial? "Some steps are outside the scope of REL"

b) Store embeddings in DB

  • huge file -> store embeddings in DB
  • does this change when using lower case data?
    • how are embeddings calculated? the key question seems to be whether
      • the data are read with capitals
      • whether the model is case-sensitive
    • the words at least are stored with capitals <-- how is this table used, and where/how is it generated?
      select *
      from (
          select *
              , substr(word, 1, 1) as first_letter
              , lower(substr(word, 1, 1)) as first_letter_lower  
          from [table_name_here]
      where first_letter != first_letter_lower and first_letter_lower = "a"
      limit 10;
      • here is an example of how the table is generated
    • question: does the column word in the embeddings table depend on the casing? This matters for querying the embeddings from REL.
      • when uncased data is used, what will the "ENTITY/Germany" entry in the database become?
      • how are the database queries built in REL? ie, if the input is uncased, does the program convert "germany" to "Germany"? This will need to be changed as well.

3. Generating training, validation and test files

  • instantiate class GenTrainingTest: it parses the raw training and test files that are in the generic/ folder
    • which of the listed data sets should be used?
  • does this change when using lower case data?
    • presumably the training data need to change because they have labels for each entity, and entities with capital or lower case are different in the text?

4. Training your own Entity Disambiguation model

  • We need to change the input data, how they are processed and how they interact with the database; once this is properly set up the training and evaluation should work in the same way
  1. load training and evaluation data sets in folder generated/
    • uncase the keys in the method TrainingEvaluationDatasets.load()
  2. define config dictionary
    • according to instructions
  3. train or evaluate the model
    • I don't understand the syntax there
  4. train model
  5. obtain confidence scores


Entity disambiguation in REL with uncased text







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