A lisp to perl compiler. It is insprired by the livescript project(http://livescript.net).
perl perl-lisp.pl test.plp
Code sample:
(use LWP::Simple "get" "getstore")
(print (get "http://www.sina.com.cn") "\n")
(print (* 5 (+ 1 2)) "\n")
(print "hello world" "\n")
(sub hello '(name1 name2) '(
(print "hello " name1 " and " name2 "\n")
(print "hello " name2 " or " name1 "\n")
(hello "aaa" "bbb")
Above code will produce:
use LWP::Simple "get","getstore";
print(get("http://www.sina.com.cn"), "\n");
print((5*(1+2)), "\n");
print("hello world", "\n");
sub hello { my ($name1, $name2) = @_;print("hello ", $name1, " and ", $name2, "\n"); print("hello ", $name2, " or ", $name1, "\n")};
hello("aaa", "bbb");
Code sample 2:
(use Data::Dumper "Dumper")
(my x (dict
"name" "Achilles"
"age" 99
boards (list
(print (Dumper x) "\n")
(print ({} x "age") "\n")
will procude:
use Data::Dumper "Dumper";
my $x = {"name","Achilles","age",99,boards,["sama","diantian"]};
print(Dumper($x), "\n");
print($x->{"age"}, "\n");
A async PSGI sample:
(use AnyEvent)
(closure '(env) '(
(return (closure '(res) '(
(my w)
(= w (-> AnyEvent timer "after" 3 "cb" (closure '() '(
(call res
(list "content-type" "text/plain")
(list "hello world\n")
(undef w)
Enjoy it!