reptyle is an very lightweight and fast to use REPL style CLI runner build on top of the awesome prompt_toolkit.
The easiest example of this is
import reptyle
from reptyle.builtins.quit import quit
if __name__ == '__main__':
con = reptyle.Console()
This will give a console with one defines command, quit, which simply quits the console
> quit
To create a custom command simply decorate a funtion with @command
def foo():
above will create a command foo
. A command hierarchy is build using the parent
argument to command
def foo():
def bar():
will create the command foo
and foo bar
A command can be given a different name than the function name
def foo():
will generate the command baz
A command can have arguments, if so they should be enumerated with the @argument declaration during command creation
def foo(arg1, arg2):
when running the following is accepted, nothing more, nothing less
> foo arg1 arg2
arguments can have optional short flags, for that to work the variable need to have a default value associated with it
@argument("verbose", opt="v")
@argument("num", "n")
def foo(arg, verbose=False, num=3):
this allows for the following when running
> foo -v -n 4 the_arg
> foo --verbose --num 2 the_arg
so both short named with one - and long with -- works
- Help command
- More buildins (alias, help, script)
- Colored output control