Placement preparation for session 2021/22
Please read How to Write a Git Commit Message
If you are adding any solution to a problem follow this style:
github_username: commit_message
Example: singalhimanshu: add leetcode solution 102
// @author: author_name
// @user: user_name
// Link to the question/resource
* Code
Note: If you are using vscode you can define a custom snippet for the language in which you solve the problems:
"add header": {
"prefix": "header",
"body": [
"// @author: <author_name>",
"// @user: <user_name>",
"// Link: $1"
Replace <author_name>
and <user_name>
as per yours.
Use clang-format before pushing the code.
- vscode : clang-format
For leetcode problems use this extension: