From a folder you wish, open a terminal.
git clone
//m ### Connecting Android Studio to GitHubOpen project via Android Studio
To Grant Temporary Access Token to GitHub:- Go to File -> Settings -> Version Control -> GitHub -> Add an account
- Follow the instructions to create a Personal Authentication Token (Do grant the relevant permissions)
Go to Git -> Branches -> Under "Local Branches", click "Rename" -> Input your own name
Go to Git -> Commit -> Type your message at the bottom left screen -> Commit and Push
For all pushes, PLEASE MAKE SURE you see "your_name -> origin: your_name" BEFORE U PRESS "PUSH" in the confirmation page
Otherwise, please double-click the "your_name" in "your_name -> origin: your_name" and change to your actual name
DO NOT DO ANYTHING ON GITHUB! Wayne will kindly handle them :D