What is this?
This is a simple application to grab an email from you gmail inbox, edit it, then send it to the Amazon Simple Email Service for mass distribution.
How does it work?
Couldn't be easier! All that is needed is an gmail application access key and an amazon ses key. Once you have them, you can read from your gmail inbox, edit an email and send it off to a client list.
Required Permissions
- Google Client OAuth 2.0 Secret: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis
- Login to google cloud api
- Create a new project
- Enable gmail api
- Choose a client based Oath Credential
- Download your sercret as 'client_secret.json'
- Store in root directory
- Amazon SES Client Auth: https://console.aws.amazon.com/console/home?nc2=h_ct&src=header-signin
- Login to AWS
- Go to Amazon Simple Email Service Portal
- Create an SMTP credential
- Download the csv as 'aws_credentials.csv'
- Store in root directory
This should be automatically created by the google api console. Just download it. This is an example of a desktop application.
{"client_id":"YOUR CLIENT ID",
This should be automatically generated by AWS SES portal. Just download it. This is an example of what it should look like.
IAM user name,SMTP user name,SMTP password
from gmailrelay import Relay
# API Access Keys & Config Files
gmail_secret_filename = "gmail_client_secret.json"
aws_credentials = "aws_credentials.csv"
aws_config = "aws_config.json"
# The from address your clients will see
sender = "[email protected]"
client_list = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"...]
relay = Relay(gmail_secret_filename, aws_config, aws_credentials)
email = relay.get_first_unread_email("[email protected]")
relay.match_and_replace(email, "REGULAR_EXPRESSION", "TEXT_TO_INSERT")
relay.send(sender, client_list, email)