Releases: fabsig/GPBoost
Releases · fabsig/GPBoost
- faster prediction with single-level grouped random effects
- shape parameter of Matern covariance can be estimated (cov_function = ‘matern_estimate_shape’, ‘matern_ard_estimate_shape’)
- [R-package] make hyperparameter tuning functions more stable
- use median distance instead of mean distance to initialize range parameters of GPs
- change default initial values for range parameters of binary and categorical features for ARD covariance functions
- change response variable prediction for 't' likelihood to avoid crashes in parameter tuning: simply add the squared 'scale' parameter to the variances of the latent predictions
- make predictions with Vecchia approximations numerically more stable for non-Gaussian likelihoods
- reduce memory footprint of ‘fitc’ and ‘full_scale_tapering’ GP approximations
- add ‘t’ and ‘t_fix_df’ likelihoods
- add ‘num_parallel_threads’ parameter so that users can control the number of parallel CPU threads
- [R-package] make '' and '' more robust
- [python-package] make 'tune_pars_TPE_algorithm_optuna' more robust
- [R-package][python-package] fix bug in handling of 'line_search_step_length' parameter in hyper parameter tuning functions
- add option gp_approx = 'vecchia_latent'
- support Matern covariance functions with general shape parameters (‘cov_fct_shape’), not just 0.5, 1.5, 2.5
- reduce memory footprint of ‘vecchia’ approximation
- "make 'fitc' and 'full_scale_taperig' approximations numerically more stable
- [python-package] add function ‘tune_pars_TPE_algorithm_optuna’ for choosing tuning parameters with the Tree-structured Parzen estimator algorithm
- [R-package] add function ‘’ for choosing tuning parameters using Bayesian optimization and the ‘mlrMBO’ R package
- change default initial values for marginal variances when having multiple random effects
- [R-package] fix bug in ‘’ for ‘metric’ parameter for metrics for which higher is better (auc, average_precision)
- other bug fixes
- Support space-time (‘matern_space_time’) and anisotropic ARD (‘matern_ard’, ‘gaussian_ard’) covariance functions
- support ‘negative_binomial’ likelihood
- support FITC aka modified predictive process approximation (‘fitc’) and full scale approximation with tapering (‘full_scale_tapering’) with ‘cholesky’ decomposition and ‘iterative’ methods
- add optimizer_cov option 'lbfgs', and make this the default for (generalized) linear effects models
- faster prediction for multiple grouped random effects and non-Gaussian likelihoods
- allow for duplicate locations / coordinates for Vecchia approximation for non-Gaussian likelihoods
- support vecchia approximation for space-time and ARD covariance functions with correlation-based neighbor selection
- support offset in GLMMs
- add safeguard against too large step sizes for linear regression coefficients
- change default initial values for (i) (marginal) variance and error variance to var(y)/2 for Gaussian likelihoods and (ii) range parameters such that the effective range is half the average distance
- add backtracking line search for mode finding in Laplace approximation
- add option ‘reuse_learning_rates_gp_model’ for GPBoost algorithm -> faster learning
- add option ‘line_search_step_length’ for GPBoost algorithm. This corresponds to the optimal choice of boosting learning rate as in e.g. Friedman (2001)
- support optimzer_coef = ‘wls’ when optimizer_cov = ‘lbfgs’ for Gaussian likelihood, make this the default
- support iterative methods for Vecchia-Laplace approximation (non-Gaussian data and gp_approx=”vecchia”)
- faster model construction and prediction for compactly supported covariance functions
- add metric 'test_neg_log_likelihood'
- change handling of 'objective' parameter for GPBoost algorithm: only ‘likelihood’ in ‘GPModel()’ needs to be set
- change API for parameters ‘vecchia_pred_type’ and ‘num_neighbors_pred’
faster gradient calculation for
- Multiple / multilevel grouped random effects for non-Gaussian likelihoods
- GPs with Vecchia approximation for non-Gaussian likelihoods
- GPs with compactly supported covariance functions / tapering
enable estimation of shape parameter in gamma likelihood
predict_training_data_random_effects: enable for Vecchia approximation and enable calculation of variances
change API for Vecchia approximation and tapering
correction in nearest neighbor search for Vecchia approximation
show GPModel parameters on original and not transformed scale when trace = true
change initial intercept for bernoulli_probit, gamma, and poisson likelihood
change default value for ‘delta_rel_conv’ to 1e-8 for nelder_mead
avoid unrealistically large learning rates for gradient descent
- cap too large gradient descent steps on log-scale for covariance parameters, GLMMs: reset small learning rates for covariance parameters and regression parameters if the other parameters change
- add gaussian_neg_log_likelihood as validation metric
- add function ‘get_nested_categories‘ for nested grouped random effects
- prediction: remove nugget variance from predictive (co)variances when predict_response = false for Gaussian likelihoods
- set default value for predict_response to true in prediction function of GPModel
- NA’s and Inf’s are not allowed in label
- correct prediction if Vecchia approximation for non-Gaussian likelihoods
- Reduce memory usage for Vecchia approximation
- [R-package] add function for creating interaction partial dependence plots
- Add function ‘predict_training_data_random_effects’ for predicting (=‘estimating’) training data random effects
- [R-package][python-package] predict function: rename ‘raw_score’ argument to ‘pred_latent’ and unify handling of Gaussian and non-Gaussian data
- (G)LMMs: better initialization of intercept, change internal scaling of covariates, change default value of ‘lr_coef’ to 0.1
- Add ‘adam’ as optimizer option
- allow for grouped random coefficients without random intercept effects
- [R-package][python-package] nicer summary function
- make predictions faster and more memory efficient when having multiple grouped random effects
- set “nelder_mead” as automatic fallback option if problems in optimization occur
- (generalized) linear mixed effects models: scale covariate data for linear predictor internally for optimization using gradient descent
- add “bfgs” as optimizer option
- add Grabit model / Tobit objective function
- support calculation of approximate standard deviations of fixed effects coefficients in GLMMs
- [R package] added function for creating partial dependence plots (gpb.plot.partial.dependence)
- [R package] use R’s internal .Call function, correct function registration, use R’s internal error function, use R standard routines to access data in C++, move more finalizer logic into C++ side, fix PROTECT/UNPROTECT issues, limit exported symbols in DLL,
- [Python package] Fix bug in scikit-learn wrapper for classification
- change in initialization and checking of convergence criterion for mode finding algorithm for Laplace approximation for non Gaussian data