We settled with a game idea that compares marvel charcters by popularity or more specifically their occurence in comics.
- Click link to site deployed on netlify.
- Enter names of marvel charcters
- If it does not work reload and try again with a different charcter name (best to try in lowercase).
- iron man
- black panther
- thor
- hulk
- loki
- black widow
- jubilee
- abyss
- groot
- mystique
- thanos
- thing
- gamora
- nick fury
- magneto
- professor x
- human torch
- luke cage
- quicksilver
- captain america
[x] Accept some user input (e.g. a username)
[x] Query an API (e.g. the Github API, or any other fun one)
[x]Populate the UI with API data
[x] Have some form of persistent state and interactivity, e.g.
- A hunger bar that decreases over time and is topped up when you feed them stars
- A button to add more users to your collection
[]Have integration tests using React Testing Library
[]Save your state to localstorage so you can leave the page and come back later []Have a button to add more copies of the game [x]Make it look sick
- Jihyun
- Ephie