A single-page app which uses the endpoints of a travel destinations API we created last week. See project brief [here](https://founders-and-coders.gitbook.io/coursebook/curriculum/single-page-app/project
- Clone this repo
- Start live server to view the site on your browser
- Click on the title to refresh the page
- Take more breaks
- Drawing out file structure
- Set out a clear plan of action from the start ? like step by step so we always know which tasks need doing in which order
- Read previous weeks SGCs
- Reading conventional commits article and implementing it.
- A single-page app
- Accessible signup/login forms
- Token-based authentication with storage in localStorage
- Form for adding new resources
- Works well across Chrome, Firefox and Safari/Edge browsers
- Buttons to delete existing resources
- Form for updating existing resources
Create index.html page which displays signup (onclick call displaySignup() ) and login button (o’clock call displayLogin)
Write displaySignup function + index page and div with app A + T —> display signup form in app div
"username": "test57", "age": 22, "email": "[email protected]", "password": “1234"
—> form will contain button —> on submit, button will call signup(username, age, email, password)
displayLogin function J + K —> display login form in app div —> form will contain button email Password —> on click, call login()
signup() A + K —> makes fetch request of type POST with username, password etc to heroku/signup —> gets the access token in the response and add to headers —> add access token to the local storage —> calls displayAll()
Login() J + T —> makes fetch request of type POST with username, password etc to https://destinationapiagil.herokuapp.com/login —> gets the access token in the response and add to headers —> add access token to the local storage —> call displayAllposts()
displayAll() Fetch all the posts from the API Insert them into template ? Add button to call displayAddpost() Append to page
displayAddpost() —> display add post form —> button which calls addPost()
—> make fetch request of type POST with
headers: { authorization: Bearer ${token}
Body: { "text_content": "flight_time": "flight_cost": }
Facilitator: Amber
Design: Terry
Deployment: Jessica
Quality: Khadija
- html, css and vanilla javascript
- Miro
- Netlify
- FAC mentors :))
- stack overflow and MDN
- our own travel destinations API