Word Cloud Generator
This is a simple Python program that generates a word cloud from a text file. The word cloud is a visual representation of the most common words in the text, with the size of each word proportional to its frequency.
To use this program, you will need:
Python 3.x matplotlib library wordcloud library
Clone or download the repository to your local machine. Open the terminal and navigate to the project directory. Run the following command to install the required libraries: Copy code pip install matplotlib wordcloud Create a text file containing the text you want to generate a word cloud from. Run the following command to generate a word cloud: css Copy code
python wordcloud.py --textfile input.txt --outputfile output.png
Replace input.txt with the path to your input text file, and output.png with the name and path of the output file you want to save.
You can also customize the appearance of the word cloud by modifying the parameters in the wordcloud.py file.