- As a user I'm able to see a home page with a button to start the quiz
- As a user I'm able to press the start button and see the quiz screen with the first question displayed
- As a user I'm able to choose an answer and know if its correct
- As a user after answering the question, I can see the next question
- As a user I can see a progress bar to see the number of questions I answered
|__ public |__ index.html |__ src |__ app.js |__ index.js |__ components |__ HomeScreen |__ index.js |__ homeScreen.css |__ QuizScreen |__ index.js |__ quizScreen.css |__ Score |__ index.js |__ score.css |__ .eslintrc |__ .babelrc |__ .gitignore |__ package.json |__ package-lock.json |__ README.md
1- Clone our repo, by typing in your terminal:
Using SSH: [email protected]:FACK2/Quiz-React.git
UsingHTTP: https://github.com/FACK2/Quiz-React.git
2- Install dependencies and dev dependencies,by typing in the terminal npm i.
3- Run on your termial npm run dev.
- Rand Inaim
- Yaqoot Turman