Watch your EthOS dashboard and receive alerts (notifications) if your performances are lower than expected.
requests, subprocess
: Set this variable to your own EthOS dashboard URL.min_perf
: In this dictionary, set the minimum hashrate, minimum alive GPU and rigs that you want. Below any of these values, the script will send you an alert.alert_delay
: The minimum delay, in seconds, between two alerts. By default, it is set to 12 hours; this means that if your performances are below you threshold for a long time, you would get 1 alarm each 12 hours.telegram_bot_token
: A token for your Telegram bot. You can create a bot by talking in private to @BotFather.accounts
: This dictionary contains, for each of persons you want the bot to notify, a phone number (to use with gammu-sms) and a Telegram UserID (that you can get by sending/id
in private to @UserIDInfoBot.
No licence. Use it as you want.