The purpose of this program is to query Open Weather ( and dislay the data.
Coming from a PHP background, along the way I hope to achieve the following couple of things;
- Learn Python 3 - for querying and interpreting data from the OpenWeatherMaps service.
- Learn PyQt4 - a set of C++ libraries and development tools that includes platform independent abstractions for desigining the graphical user interfaces.
This project is currently a WIP and does not yet contain a viable release candidate!
If need be, the config/weatherConfig.json currently looks like this;
"api_key": "your_api_key_from_open_weather_maps_org",
"location": "2925533",
"request_type": "weather", // Allowed values; weather, forecast5, forecast16
"forecast_count_5": 5,
"forecast_count_16": 16,
"units": "metric", // Allowed values; metric, imperial
"lang": "en"