- Information
- Language support
- Install bot
- Buildpack heroku
- Mongodb Account
- Mongodb Connect
- Install bot termux
- Edit Owner
- Priview bot feature
- Deploy to heroku
- Donate
- Alphabot group
- Thanks to
Alpahbot-Md adalah bot yang memakai base dari Hisoka-Morou. Alphabot-Md is a bot whatsapp using a Baileys library.
- Indonesia
- Spanish
- English
But some I haven't changed the language 🛐
- Tonton Di YouTube
Edit Owner Settings.js
// Website Api (jgn di ganti tomlol)
global.APIs = {
alfa: 'https://api.zeeoneofc.xyz', //apabila link api eror, segera laporkan ke owner
// Free apikey (Apikey expired silahkan login terus ganti V12 dgn apikey lu)
global.APIKeys = {
'https://api.zeeoneofc.xyz': 'V12', // 👉 login https://api.zeeoneofc.xyz to get apikey || https://api-alphabot.herokuapp.com
// setting
global.autoread = false // auto read message
global.autobio = true
global.userRegister = false
global.autoblok212 = false //ubah jadi true biar nmr 212 di blok sama bot
//Available in indonesia , english & spanyol
//You can request others language
global.language = indonesia //change indonesia to english if you don't understand the language used by the bot
// Other
// Other
global.botname = "Alphabot-Mdོ" //namabot kalian
global.ownername= "ᴹᴿ᭄ ZeeoneOfcོ ×፝֟͜×" //nama kalian
global.myweb ="https://api.zeeoneofc.xyz" //bebas asal jan hapus
global.youtube = "https://youtube.com/c/ZeeoneOfc" //bebas asal jan hapus
global.myweb2 = "https://linktr.ee/zeeoneofc" //bebas
global.email = "[email protected]" //bebas
global.region = "Indonesia" //bebas
global.timezone = 'Asia/Jakarta' // timezone wib
global.premium = ['62887435047326'] //premium user
global.owner = ["6285342106390","622150996855"] //ganti agar fitur owner bisa di gunakan
global.ownernomer = "62887435047326" // nomor wa kalian
global.ownernomerr = "+62887435047326" //nmr wa kalian
global.thumbnail = "./image/lol.jpg" // ini lol.jpg adalah nama foto di folder image. untuk foto bot
global.donasi = "./image/donasi.jpg" // foto donasi di folder image
global.background_welcome="https://telegra.ph/file/90a931648de597820bc08.jpg" // maks size 30kb, agar welcome image nya tdk delay
global.thumbGif = 'https://telegra.ph/file/e90bef3779d3c5812a5d1.mp4'
global.packname = '© Alphabot-Mdོ' //sticker wm ubah
global.author = 'Di Buat Oleh ZeeoneOfc' //sticker wm ganti nama kalian
global.sessionName = 'session'
global.typemenu = 'document'
global.multiplier = 69
global.limitawal = {
premium: "10000",
free: 100
global.adventureRPG = 'https://telegra.ph/file/ff94536d69e0f4f3e7b54.jpg'
global.bankRPG = 'https://telegra.ph/file/ce47dca98cfdb34162abb.png'
global.bansosRPG = 'https://telegra.ph/file/646af753f38fbf7bbbccc.jpg'
global.bansosRPG_ = 'https://telegra.ph/file/ba18a18aac022170c8056.jpg'
global.berburuRPG = 'https://telegra.ph/file/95a202f631ab7172c3f25.jpg'
global.inventoryRPG = 'https://telegra.ph/file/507395e2edbd1d740a0fd.png'
global.cooldownRPG = 'https://telegra.ph/file/5e1e191a47028d9648ffa.jpg'
global.dailyRPG = 'https://telegra.ph/file/17e857848a3afdb1c4fd8.jpg'
global.hourlyRPG = 'https://telegra.ph/file/bcabf71c0f56207d1629e.jpg'
global.kandangRPG = 'https://telegra.ph/file/89c3b3ec69d373da8f64b.jpg'
global.kolamRGP = 'https://telegra.ph/file/0bc07117c78b2c9674b7d.jpg'
global.mancingRPG = 'https://telegra.ph/file/1420d26b7f04f84993225.jpg'
global.monthlyRPG = 'https://telegra.ph/file/7eadf65b95d9f7a3ecb46.jpg'
global.weeklyRPG = 'https://telegra.ph/file/ffc85895d14db97931f0f.jpg'
global.rpg = {
emoticon(string) {
string = string.toLowerCase()
let emot = {
level: '📊',
limit: '🎫',
health: '❤️',
exp: '✨',
money: '💹',
bank: '🏦',
potion: '🥤',
diamond: '💎',
common: '📦',
uncommon: '🛍️',
mythic: '🎁',
legendary: '🗃️',
superior: '💼',
pet: '🔖',
trash: '🗑',
armor: '🥼',
sword: '⚔️',
pickaxe: '⛏️',
fishingrod: '🎣',
wood: '🪵',
rock: '🪨',
string: '🕸️',
horse: '🐴',
cat: '🐱',
dog: '🐶',
fox: '🦊',
petFood: '🍖',
iron: '⛓️',
gold: '🪙',
emerald: '❇️',
upgrader: '🧰'
let results = Object.keys(emot).map(v => [v, new RegExp(v, 'gi')]).filter(v => v[1].test(string))
if (!results.length) return ''
else return emot[results[0][0]]
Dika | Nurutomo |
Owner Hisoka-Morou | Constributor |
Mhankbarbar | Fatih A. |
Constributor | For Help |
Ferdiz | Rashid |
For Help | Owner Chikabot |
Adiwajshing | zeeone-ofc |
Owner of Baileys | Owner of Api Alphabot |