Collaborative editor using operational transformations.
OT algorithms and code based on Tim Baumann's project.
Client textarea uses CodeMirror.
Server is a Django app. Updates are sent over Fanout Cloud or Pushpin.
There is a public instance available here:
Install dependencies and setup database:
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
Note: default storage is sqlite.
Create a .env
file containing GRIP_URL
Be sure to replace {realm-id}
and {realm-key}
with the values from the Fanout control panel.
In a separate shell, run ngrok for local tunneling:
ngrok http 8000
In the Fanout control panel, set the ngrok host/port as the Origin Server.
Run a local instance of the project:
python runserver
Then open up two browser windows to your Fanout Cloud domain (e.g. https://{realm-id} Requests made to Fanout Cloud should be routed through ngrok to the local instance.
Create a .env
file containing GRIP_URL
Run Pushpin:
pushpin --route="* localhost:8000"
Run the server:
python runserver
Then open up two browser windows to http://localhost:7999/.