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TEH, Chi-En edited this page Feb 22, 2023 · 8 revisions

Manually inspected runs

If you notice any errors or want to make an update, feel free to do so! After that, you may inform the rest of the team members.

Please try your best to keep the formatting consistent and reasonable.

The run range is inclusive, e.g. "1234-1238" would include both run 1234 and 1238.

runs reaction shadow bars triggers remarks
2333-2354 Ca40 + Ni58 at 56 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB
2357-2376 Ca40 + Sn112 at 56 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB
2378-2394 Ca40 + Ni58 at 56 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB
2529, 2531-2545 Ca40 + Sn124 at 56 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB 2530 dropped: Low statistics.
2570-2588 Ca40 + Ni58 at 140 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB
2591-2611 Ca40 + Ni58 at 140 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB
2614-2630 Ca40 + Sn112 at 140 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB DSS Live was incorrectly firing ~10 times more before run 2629. NWB-bar19 left PMT gives bad PSD.
2633-2656 Ca40 + Ni58 at 140 MeV/u out NW+MB 2632 dropped: "The beam intensity is currently unstable because of beam adjustments. HiRA discriminators still on for this run. Run stopped early to turn off HiRA discr." Unknown blob observed below neutrons in PSD.
2711-2721 Ca40 + Sn124 at 140 MeV/u out NW+MB OR HiRA+MB, RF 2710 dropped: Low statistics
2830-2842, 2844-2846, 2848 Ca40 + Sn112 at 140 MeV/u in NW_MB OR HiRA+MB 2843 dropped: "In the last part of the run no data in VW qdcs. Problem fixed from the next run."; 2847: not data run
2853-2866, 2968, 2870 Ca40 + Ni58 at 140 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB 2867 and 2869 were broken. NWB-bar10 left PMT gives bad PSD.
4042-4058, 4060-4068 Ca48 + Sn124 at 140 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB 4059 dropped: Low statistics. NWB-bar13 has bad PSD.
4082-4116 Ca48 + Ni64 at 140 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB
4224-4245 Ca48 + Ni64 at 140 MeV/u out NW+MB
4266-4300 Ca48 + Sn124 at 140 MeV/u out NW+MB 4287-4292: Some comments related to beam tuning were written.
4333-4334, 4336-4380 Ca48 + Sn124 at 56 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB 4335 dropped: Crashed.
4383-4399, 4401-4414 Ca48 + Ni64 at 56 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB
4448-4464 Ca48 + Sn112 at 56 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB
4466-4493 Ca48 + Ni64 at 56 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB
4495-4509 Ca48 + Ni58 at 56 MeV/u in NW+MB OR HiRA+MB
4511-4541 Ca48 + Sn124 at 56 MeV/u out NW+MB
4543-4573 Ca48 + Ni64 at 56 MeV/u out NW+MB
4621-4640 Ca48 + Sn124 at 56 MeV/u out NW+MB OR HiRA+MB
4642-4661 Ca48 + Ni64 at 56 MeV/u out NW+MB OR HiRA+MB

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