In this repository I'm saving my own configuration files. Please fell free to recommend me each interesting configuration that you have with a Pull Request or an Issue. If you want you can use my configurations too.
I use sym links to associate my dotfiles to the correct folders on my machine. Thesea are the ones that I'm using now:
Link nvim
ln -s ${PWD}/nvim ~/.config/nvim
To run this command first you need to have installed nvim and vim-plug.
Then you are able to execute this sym link and run nvim
and it will automatically start to install everything.
Link zshrc
ln -s ${PWD}/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
Link tmux
ln -s ${PWD}/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
Install fzf key bindings
$(brew --prefix)/opt/fzf/install
To install homebrew dependencies you need to use homebrew bundle:
brew tap Homebrew/bundle
and then execute this to install the dependencies:
brew bundle
NOTE: To have nvim up and running correctly you need to have install node and nerd fonts