Read humidity and temperature measurements from a DHT11/DHT22 sensor connected to a Raspberry Pi and publish them to an MQTT broker.
It also supports the AM2302 sensor, which is the wired version of DHT22.
Requirement: Python 3, pip
Install the CircuitPython-DHT library:
pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-dht paho-mqtt
sudo apt-get install libgpiod2
- Clone and enter the directory
git clone xxx
cd dht-mqtt
- Create
Copy from config.env.example
Set the right values.
(string) is the MQTT broker's host name or IP addressBROKER_PORT
(integer) is the MQTT broker's portPIN
(integer) is the GPIO pin number that the sensor data wire port is connected to. The python board module can be used to list available pins on the board. Learn more here.SENSOR
(string) is the sensor type. It should be either of: DHT11, DHT22, DHT21
- Run to test:
- Turn into a service
We use the dht-mqtt.service
file to create the service.
In the service file, the path for the
script is set to /home/pi/dht-mqtt/
Modify the file to have the correct path and user.
Make a symbolic link to the service file:
sudo ln -s /home/pi/dht-mqtt/dht-mqtt.service /lib/systemd/system/dht-mqtt.service
Load the service file, enable (start on boot), and start now:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now dht-mqtt
Check the logs:
journalctl -u dht-mqtt -n 100 -f
Use systemctl restart dht-mqtt
to load new configurations.
docker run --privileged farshidtz/adafruit_dht [11|22|2302] GPIOpin#
For example to read from a DHT22 attached to GPIO4:
docker run --privileged farshidtz/adafruit_dht 22 4
docker build -t my_dht .