This is a demo of doing a blue-green deploy of a simple web application using Reids, Mongodb, Nginx and Docker of course.
- Working copy of Docker.
- Run chmod +x for mongodb/ and redis/
- Inorder to use Docker hub you need to uncomment line 57 and 118 in
After that, you should be ready to rock and roll.
Build All Docker images from Docker files (nginx, redis, mongodb, and app server):
./ build
Run Docker containers of Redis, Mongodb and nginx images:
./ up
Deploy the app:
./ deploy
Each deploy will be tagged by timestamp.
What if you deployed and broke everything with terrible code?
No problem. Just rollback to a known image tag:
./ rollback Thu_Nov_13_22_49_34_UTC_2014
This demo is single-host, but the concepts could be applied to a multi-host setup with some additional elbow grease (and service discovery).
Two instances of a cherrypy (Python) application running in containers sit behind a
load balancer (Nginx). One exposes the application on the host's
, the other exposes the application on the host's
. They are connected to a container running Redis and Mongodb using Docker