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It´s a POC at the moment so by careful by using

A microfrontend Proxy which let you start at minutes to build your Application splittet into fragments.

Have stable first byte by client always. lazy async load data when content its there

Quick Getting start.


  • Redis

First of all you need some mircofrontend Servers.

See at folder externalServices the are some examples for different frameworks:

  • footer ==> react with styled components

Complete bad designed example:


You can easy start with docker-compose up --build and open your Browser at localhost:3300.

Also you will find examples there, how local development will look like: You can start it with docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up --build. At docker-compose-dev.yml you will see (at line 40) it will use the frontends-dev.yml

The Docker Compose will also start a dockerhost where you can call Port at you Host system from a docker container.

At frontends-dev.yml one Mircofrontend have the url: http://dockerhost:3000 for Example header. Than you have to start header with yarn dev --host.

Now you can change the Content of header by Hot-Code reloading inside your Mircopuzzle envoirment.

This gives you the possibility to develop one Mircofrontend and also see how the other Microfrontends effekt to this one.

you will read the globalOverride: /src at the header definition also. This means, localhost:3300/src/* will also forward to this Microfrontend. This is often needed to have Hot-Code Reloading

Configure your application

   Micropuzzle - A new cli application

   micropuzzle [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   Application to combine Server Side Include and Afterloading

   generateType, gen  Generate Typescript types
   help, h            Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --timeoutms value       Timeout for loading Microfrontends (for all slower, it will be use streaming to bring it to the client) (default: 45ms) [$TIMEOUTMS]
   --logLevel value        Loglevel debug, info, warn, error (default: "info") [$LOGLEVEL]
   --port value            port where server will be started (default: "3300") [$PORT]
   --publicfolder value    Folder where all html js css from server directly will be foundable (Public folder for the web) (default: "./public") [$PUBLICFOLDER]
   --microfrontends value  A yaml file to describe available Frontends (default: "./config/frontends.yaml") [$MICROFRONTENDS]
   --fallbackloader value  key of inifile where to find fallbackhtml which will shown if microfrontend is lower than timeout (default: "fallback") [$FALLBACKLOADER]
   --redisaddr value       The domian/ip:port of redis (default: "localhost:6379") [$REDISADDR]
   --redisuser value       Username to connect to redis [$REDISUSER]
   --redispassword value   Password to connect to redis [$REDISPASSWORD]
   --redisdb value         Db to use by redis (default: 0) [$REDISDB]
   --managementport value  Port to get data not needed from client (default: 3301) [$MANAGEMENTPORT]
   --help, -h              show help (default: false)

Configure your possible available Microfrontends

with --microfrontends (or over Environment MICROFRONTENDS) you can set the destination of an yaml-file. Inside this file you can configure with logic fragment have which url to load the content. example

Configure your frontend skeleton

with --publicfolder (or over Environment PUBLICFOLDER) you can set the folder where to find root html templates Inside this folder you can use normal html, css, js with should be global there.

take a look here


version: 1 # The version of configuration (at moment there is only version 1)

definitions: ## All declaration of Microfrontends 
  global: ## group name
    footer: ## frontend name (the logic name will be than groupName.FrontendName so here: global.footer)
      url: http://localhost:5000 # The Url to Mircofrontend (From Server side ==> this url will be called from Micropuzzle server)
      url: http://localhost:3300/loader.html
      url: http://header
      url: http://localhost:5001
      url: http://localhost:5003
      url: http://localhost:5002

pages: # All page declarations
  global: # reserved pagename 
    fragments: # Here you can define fragments which will be added, as default, to each page if it is not defined there
      # Key is the name you habe defined inside your html template ( {{.Reader.Load "header"}}). 
              # Value is the name you defined inside you definitions object. (See 13 Lines up)
      header: global.header 
      footer: global.footer
    template: ./index.html # Also the html default html template to use. If you not specifier one special for a page this will be used
  start: # A Page
    url: "/" # The Url of the page to identifier
    title: "" # title of the page (will be ignored at the moment from most browser)
    fragments: # All page spezific Mircofrontends, it will be extends with the global header and footer
      content: startpage.content
    url: "/about.html"
    title: "about"
      content: about.content

How template html work

You have to set two template flag required:

  • {{.ScriptLoader}} => inside your head Tag to set .js loader
  • {{.Loader}} => at the end of the body Tag (important have to be set after each {{.Reader.Load "logic unique name of this fronend space"}})

The logic unique name of this fronend space is importend. About this you have the possibility to change the content of this area.

Inside your Microfrontends yaml there is a group called pages. Here you can define which page(url) have to load which microfrontend for the logic unique area

How to change the Content from Client site (example button click)

look here

At the end you have to send Custom Javascript events to load new Content. But a Typescript snippet will be generated for you. Unter the Managmenturl (default 3301). So if you start it local: http://localhost:3301/micro-puzzle-helper.ts

This snippet you can include into your Microfrontends. example:

This Code snippet will also have enum MicropuzzleFrontends and pages where you find all keys from your frontends.yaml


MicroFrontend POC






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