I am a graduate of Economics from the Pontifica Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP). Here you can learn some things about me and my work!
- 🔭 I’m currently working at APOYO Consultoria, in the Economic Consulting area. Im also a teaching assistant at PUCP
- 🌱 I’m currently learning how to code in Python and R, also improving my microeconometrics skills with Stata
- 💬 Ask me about my interests and new projects!
- 📫 How to reach me: You can contact me through my email ([email protected]) or my Linkedin (Fatima Trujillo Quiñe)
- ⚡ Fact: Recently my undergraduate thesis was awarded at a context from the Social Sciences Faculty at PUCP
I've taken lessons of Stata at PUCP. I became the first place of that class. Since that, I've continued learning that prograrm, applying it at work and I've also been learning other languages. Particuarly, this semester I took the R and Python classes. It is almost finished, but i can already say it is being very helpful, since I am already using some of that knowledge at work. Finally, also because of work matters, I'm learning the basics of QGis. I'm still quite new there, but I am looking forward to learning more about it. Here is a brief summary og my learning progress: