To install:
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CyberReboot/poseidon/v0.10.0/bin/poseidon -o /usr/local/bin/poseidon
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/poseidon
poseidon install
poseidon start
If you previously installed Poseidon with the .deb package, please remove that first.
To upgrade:
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CyberReboot/poseidon/v0.10.0/bin/poseidon -o /usr/local/bin/poseidon
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/poseidon
poseidon update
poseidon start
- Poseidon is now completely docker-compose only; remove all vestiges of vent. Pcap logs are now logged in
- New versions of pyyaml, pytype, cmd2, transitions, grafana, CRviz, network-tap, NetworkML, pcap-to-node-pcap, tcprewrite-dot1q, p0f