- override Z3's buggy SIGINT handler (after 100ms)
- add -T LO:INC:HI option format
- rename -O OUT-BNDS to -O OBJ-BNDS for uniformity
- disentangle critical points and fallback solver from ival solver
- obtaining all solutions to a problem is now handled in a lazy manner
- splitting intervals no longer skips space between midpoint and next double
- critical points solver only handles linear derivatives
- add option -o OBJ-SPEC supporting arbitrary expressions or the expression
'Pareto(E1,E2,...)' containing such expressions (Pareto optimization is not
implemented, yet) - minor improvements/fixes:
- simplifier deals with double-neg and unnecessary conj/disj
- logging
- fix handling option -c auto
- report and error on surplus unused arguments
- empty sequence of solvers
- ext-solver outputs time to solve
- print the named outputs (if any)
- sequence of variables in models is sorted now
- optimize_EA properly forwards strictness info to obj-range
- check that none of the objectives is constant on the domain