MEVN (mongoDB, express.js, Vue, Node.js) stack app, quite a big project, so it's still in progress. The goal is to make "fake" banking account, with the most of the traditional banking account available options.
- Sign up with passport
- Account view
- Newest transfers history
- Transactions history view
- Advanced search and filtering options
- Posibility to export transfer confirmations
- Multiple exports
- More options in transfer confirmations
- Transfers view
- Posibility to make a transfer
- Transfer code confirmation coming from backend
- Disable transfer if there isn't enough money on account
- Credit cards view
- Adding cards
- Removing cards
- Changing cards limits
- Blocking cards
- Savings view
- Making saving goals
- Updating saving goals
- Removing saving goals and transfering money back to saving account
- Making direct transfer from saving account
- Uploading goal picture
- Transfering money from saving account to saving goals
- Validate account money before making any transfers
- Blik code generator
- Widgets
- Transaction overall
- Planned transfers info
- Planned transfers
- Posibility to set a periodical transfers
- Sending transfers with agenda package
- Fix styles
- Cover all empty value posibilities
- Check app with fresh account
After that, i'll publish version 1.0
Next to do for sure will be code refactor. I was making this app for long time and It's my first ever app using Express and MongoDB, so I need to double check if I did everything right. Also I was thinking about converting passport authentication to JWT, but for now I'll stay with passport because integrating passport was such a pain, so I don't want to waste this code 😄