I need an utility to use GDALPolygonize in R. As far as I know the routine is not implemented in R. At least it does not come with rgdal package.
I made a simple implementation of the C API GDALPolygonize tool. It mimics what python gdal_polygonize.py program does (i.e. it is a wraper for gdal/alg/polygonize.cpp). It has limitations:
- It does not keep any of the creations options (I omitted the papszOptions argument).
- The output is always in “ESRI Shapefile” file format.
Migrate to windows was tricky. I used the GDAL version distributed by rwinlib: Static libraries for building R packages on Windows. I borrowed both the Makevars.win file and the tools/winlibs.R from rgdal.
Install the current development from github via: