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CS2102_AY2021_S1_Group 40 Pet Caring

CS2102 Database Systems: Introduction to Web Application Development

This is a project done by a group of students from the National University of Singapore for the module CS2102: Database Systems.

The following contains mainly setup instructions. Refer to our Project Report for more details.

Project Demo Video:

Team Members:

  • Caijie
  • Michelle
  • Phoebe
  • Sheryl
  • Wei Kiat

Tech Stack:

  • Frontend: React, Material-UI
  • Backend: Node.js, Express
  • Database: PostgreSQL


We use Heroku to host both our Frontend and Backend.


To access pre-made users for trying purposes:

  1. Admin - Username: admin Password: admin
  2. PetOwner - Username: petowner Password: petowner
  3. Part Time Caretaker - Username: ptcaretaker Password: ptcaretaker
  4. Full Time Caretaker - Username: ftcaretaker Password: ftcaretaker


To access the hosted database:

  1. Install heroku-cli
  2. heroku login. Contact us for access rights!
  3. If you want to run a single sql command: echo "<sqlcommand>" | heroku pg:psql
  4. If you want to run a batch file: cat <filepath> | heroku pg:psql

Continuous Integration/Deployment Build Status

We use Travis to continuously integrate, test and deploy our Javascript changes.

Setup Locally

  1. Make sure you have node and npm installed. The quickest way is to use homebrew and do brew install node.
  2. npm install to install all dependencies
  3. Create a local instance of postgreSQL database.
    1. Make sure you have postgres installed. brew install postgresql.
    2. Start postgres server. brew services start postgresql or brew services restart postgresql
    3. Create a database. createdb <dbname> (Drop database by dropdb <dbname>)
    4. Load the build schema. psql -d <dbname> < build-schema.sql
    5. Load the dataset. psql -d <dbname> < add-data.sql
  4. Create a .env file in the project root and specify the DATABASE_URL like this: DATABASE_URL="postgresql://<dbuser>:<dbpassword>@localhost:5432/<dbname>".
  5. npm start. This should run the api on port 8080 by default.


  1. You can do psql -d <dbname> to enter into your database cmd and execute SQL queries directly there.
  2. In your database cmd after you do step 1, you can do \l to see all your databases and \d to see all your tables.

Lint checking with Prettier

Do npm run prettier in project root to auto format all your code nicely!

Setup frontend locally

  1. cd public from project root. This is the folder containing the React app.
  2. If you are running the API locally, you need to change the API_HOST in consts.js to your locally running API instance URL.
  3. Refer to the README inside public for further instructions.

Note: We use different package managers: npm for back-end and yarn for front-end. Don't do npm install for front-end! Similarly, don't do yarn for back-end!


CS2102_2021_S1_Team40 Pet Caring






No releases published


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  • JavaScript 94.7%
  • PLpgSQL 4.6%
  • Other 0.7%