This Project using
- Python 3 With Django Rest Framework
- Mysql
- Docker (2 container -> app & mysql)
app run with port :8087, Ex : localhost:8087
To import database please run : "/bin/sh"
User Input daily exchange data -> tanggal, from, to, rate
=> curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"c_from":"IDR","c_to":"GBP","rate":15000,"tanggal":"2018-08-19"}' http://localhost:8087/price/
User can see exchange rate
- with parameter -> date
- Response Required “FROM, TO, Rate, 7-day avrage”
=> curl ""
=> curl ""
- User want to add exchange list with parameter -> FROM & TO
=> curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"c_from":"IDR","c_to":"MAY"}' http://localhost:8087/exchange/
- User can delete exchange list with parameter -> FROM & TO
=> curl -X "DELETE"
Thank You !