A complete frontend redesign of a retail web-portal to modernize an outdated client-facing platform. The new design showcases a list view of products and a detailed product page with an emphasis on a detailed product photos, related items carousel, questions and answer feature and a star review rating system.
$ npm install
## Add auth token to config.js
## there is an example file config.example.js
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
## Navigate to http://localhost:3000
All feature development takes place on a dedicated branch instead of the main branch. More information can be found here.
## Clone master branch and update
git checkout main
git pull --rebase origin main
## Start work on a feature
git checkout -b feature-branch
## write code, commit, repeat
git add .
git commit
## rebase before pull request
git pull --rebase origin main
## push to a feature branch on YOUR fork
git push origin feature-branch
## make a pull request on GitHub and check if the action tests have passed
## if pull request is rejected
## fix bugs, commit
git add .
git commit
git pull --rebase origin main
git push origin feature-branch
## make a pull request on GitHub
## if pull request is accepted
git checkout master
git pull --rebase origin main
git branch -d feature-branch