IpSpy runs as a service and sends email with external/public ip of a machine (if ip has changed for some reasons).
The main purpose of this service is to know external/public ip of the remote pc, so then you can start it using WOL (wake on lan) feature or connect to it via remote desktop (if your ps doesn't have static ip)
Configuration is simple through appsettings.json file:
"IpSpy": {
"IPProviderHost": "http://ipinfo.io/ip", //any web site that gives clean ip string only (https://icanhazip.com/, http://ipinfo.io/ip etc.)
"CheckInterval": 5, //minutes
"SMTP": {
"Login": "[email protected]",
"Password": "pass",
"Port": 1323,
"Host": "smtp.gmail.com",
"EnableSSL": "True"
"Email": {
"To": "[email protected]",
"Subject": "my-ip",
"BodyFormat": "{0}"
install service with standard .net utilities
install with sc.exe:
sc create IpSpyService binpath= "C:\Path\To\IpSpy.exe" start= auto
and then
sc start IpSpyService