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goldstargloww edited this page Jul 13, 2024 · 1 revision

0001. Game started

0002. FastForwardEnabled

0003. Don'tUseThisOneIt'sForScripting

0004. Self Sw FFThisConvoOnce

0005. Autopause

0006. Self Sw FFEnabled

0007. InTheCastle?

0008. JustLoopedBack

0009. Stuck

0010. PortraitIndent

0011. SpecialBattleText

0012. CannotLoopRightNow

0013. NG+ <Global Meta>

0014. Self Sw 1

0015. Self Sw 2

0016. Self Sw 3

0017. Self Sw 4

0018. Self Sw 5

0019. FastForwardEnabledNOSIF

0020. CanFFbcNG+


0022. BonnieOutEveryoneGone

0023. CanTalkToLoopBcIsaGone_TL

0024. MetLoop_AL

0025. SawHeadHousemaidenOnceEnd_AL

0026. CantTeleportToDormont

0027. DidJackpotOnce

0028. ThisIsCode.AreYouLookingAtCode?YouShouldn'tBeLookingAtCode

0029. SkippedVillage_TL

0030. FriendsNotAround

0031. TeleportUnlocked_AL

0032. HadOneConvoWithLoop_TL

0033. TalkedToLoop_TL

have you talked to loop this loop?

value answer
ON yes
OFF no

0034. Act3FirstLoop_TL

0035. TalkedToIsaFinalRoom_TL

0036. NoBonnieAction

0037. ScaredSif

should siffrin's battle portrait be the scared one?

value answer
ON yes
OFF no

0038. SavedSif

0039. SmilingFriends

should mirabelle, isabeau, odile, and bonnie's battle portraits be the smiling ones?

value answer
ON yes
OFF no

0040. WentToChangeStatueAct1_AL

0041. -VILLAGE-


0043. TalkedToOdile_TL

have you talked to odile in dormont this loop?

0044. TalkedToMira_TL

have you talked to mirabelle in dormont this loop?

0045. TalkedToIsa_TL

have you talked to isabeau in dormont this loop?

0046. TalkedToBonnie_TL

have you talked to bonnie in dormont this loop?

0047. KidIsFrog_TL

0048. MadeToadJoke_TL

0049. Isa_Firefly_AL

have you told isabeau that the tree feels weird because it has a firefly parasite?

0050. FoughtTutoKid_TL

have you fought the tutorial kid this loop?

0051. FriendsNotInVillage

0052. GotFlower_TL

0053. WifeNecklace_TL

0054. KnowHowToAskChangeGod_AL

0055. DontNeedToTalkToAlliesAgain_AL

has loop told you that you don't need to talk to all of your allies again?

0056. QQQ_OpenedMirabellesGift_TL

have you opened mirabelle's gift this loop?

0057. QQQ_TriedToOpenHouse

0058. QQQ_CaughtAFish_AL

have you caught a fish while fishing in dormont before?

0059. LearnedAboutInteract_AL

0060. TalkedToIsaQuest_TL


0070. -DUNGEON-

0071. CastleEntrance_SwitchOff_TL

0072. TearsFloor2_Aoff

0073. TearsFloor2_Boff

0074. TearsFloor2_Coff

0075. TearsFloor3_Aoff

0076. TearsFloor3_Boff

0077. TearsFloor3_Coff

0078. WentToBathroom_TL

have you gone to the bathroom this loop?

0079. UnlockedKey_AL

0080. Floor1_RockDown_TL

0081. GotNeedleSword_TL

0082. Floor1_EntranceDoorOpen_TL

0083. GotWok_TL

0084. QQQ_TouchTouchTouch_TL

0085. SawLibrary_AL

0086. SawStarRoom_AL

have you ever seen the observatory?

0087. WenttoBathroom_AL

have you ever gone to the bathroom?

0088. BookClub_TL

0089. TalkWithIsaAtEnd_TL

0090. EnteredHouseAct3+_AL

0091. MemoryTuto_AL

0092. WeaponTuto_AL

0093. GaveFlowerLoop_TL

0094. SurvivedTrap_AL

0095. LoopedToFloor3WithKeys_TL

0096. UsedGlassOnce



0102. Banana Death

0103. Monster Death

0104. King Death

0105. Tears Death

0106. HHM Reset

0107. SpecialMilestone

0108. DiedSwitch

0109. King'sQuest Death

0110. TeleportOverride

0111. Special End

0112. First trap death

0113. Pineapple Death

0114. SuicideDeath

0115. KingDeathMoreExp

0116. HHMMoreExp

0117. MonsterMoreExp

0118. SpecialLoopbackEventON

0119. FriendquestReset


0121. -OPTIONS-

0122. BG battle scroll when ON<Global Meta>

0123. Screen Shakes when ON<Global Meta>

0124. NoEncounters

0125. NoJackpot

0126. ProfileMenuHi

0127. CheatCode<Global Meta>

0128. CheatCodeIsHere

0129. ShakyText ON<Global Meta>


0131. RegretKilled

0132. SpecialBattleWon

0133. TutorialTime

0134. EnemiesDead/BattleOver

0135. FirstEncounterEvents

0136. ActionOver

0137. RevivedAlly

0138. NoBattleEvents

0139. SpecialTextOn

0140. NoCheatCode


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