Implementing APIs with microservices using Dockers.
- Split the application into 2 microservices:
- Customer and Person entities.
- Account and Transaction entities.
- Ensure asynchronous communication between the 2 microservices.
- Develop API CRUD operations for the following entities:
- Customer
- Account
- Transaction
- Validation
- prevent transactions when funds are insufficient.
- Update the available balance.
- Log each transaction and attach it to the respective account.
- Report
- An endpoint to generate reports (date range and customer)
- Unit Test
- Customer
- Infra
- Dockers
- Bp.Client
- Entities
- Person.cs
- Customer.cs
- Bp.Transaction
- Entities
- Account.cs
- TransactionBalance.cs
- Bp.Common
- IRepository.cs
- MssqlDB
- SqlDataRepository.cs
- Bp.Infra
- docker
- Bp.Client
- Dockerfile
- Bp.Transaction
- Dockerfile
- docker-compose.yml
- Bp.Test
- Controllers
- CustomersControllerTests.cs
- Entities
- CustomerTests.cs
- Database.sql
- BackendBp.postman_collection.json
user@Mi-Pc BackendBp % cd Bp.Infra
user@Mi-Pc BackendBp\Bp.Infra % docker-compose up --build -d
For development purposes, you can execute dotnet ef database update
within each project. Ensure to configure your Docker network to handle either Data Source=localsql
or Data Source=localhost
user@Mi-Pc BackendBp\Bp.Common\src\Bp.Common.Service % dotnet ef database update
user@Mi-Pc BackendBp\Bp.Client\src\Bp.Client.Service % dotnet ef database update
user@Mi-Pc BackendBp\Bp.Transaction\src\Bp.Transaction.Service % dotnet ef database update
or run the file "Database.sql"
- BackendBp
- Database.sql
- BackendBp
- BackendBp.postman_collection.json
or try with swagger http://localhost:{port}/swagger/index.html
Fork repository and Run your Own Migration
user@Mi-Pc Bp.Common.Service % dotnet ef dbcontext info
user@Mi-Pc Bp.Common.Service % dotnet ef migrations add "name of migration"
user@Mi-Pc Bp.Common.Service % dotnet ef database update