Fennec Fox is a streaming platform which allows to communicate via voice or video with your friends or find new ones.
Users can register and sign in to the web application.
In application users can add other users to friends. Make an audio/video call to friend via peer to peer connection.
If user wants, call can be transferred through the web-server using web-socket connection.
Create group calls.
On desire of user, the call can be recorded and than downloaded from the server.
Module with video/audio processing.
Text chat between users.
- React JS for client side. We use React because its well spread technology and we have some minor experience in it.
- On client side we use IndexDB for creating web applications with rich query abilities regardless of network availability.
- Using web-socket for creating connection with server ('websocket').
- Using WebRTC for peer to peer connection.
- Fastify for server side. We use fastify because it is fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
- Using web-socket for creating connection with clients ('websocket').
- We use MongoDB on server side, because we have document oriented data ('mongodb').
API backend https://thawing-fortress-40899.herokuapp.com/ Frontend https://fennec-fox-cast.netlify.com/contact