A fat docker image for ad-hoc genomic analyses - combines a lot of the tools that are handy for exploring data
R 4.11 and some basic packages are installed. For convenience, it can be useful to set up a specific folder in which to keep your own library installs for testing. This will keep them persistent across sessions. Add something like this to your .Rprofile:
devlib <- paste('/home/USERNAME/lib/R',paste(R.version$major,R.version$minor,sep="."),sep="")
if (!file.exists(devlib))
x <- .libPaths()
This is great for quickly prototyping and exploring data, but don't forget that if you're sharing code with others, you'll need to create a new container with the proper libraries installed so they can also use it!
- Bedtools
- Samtools
- BCFtools
- VCFtools
- pdftk
- tabix
- bam-readcount
- GATK (and picard tools)
- FastQC
- Google cloud SDK
- R 4.11 and packages including:
- BioCManager
- data.table
- dplyr
- foreach
- fishplot
- gridExtra
- Hmisc
- plotrix
- png
- RColorBrewer
- tidyverse
- wesanderson
- viridis
- GenVisR
- GenomicRanges
- tximport
- biomaRt
- Python 3 and packages including:
- numpy
- scipy
- cython
- pyfaidx
- pybedtools
- cyvcf2
- pandas
- pysam
- seaborn
- openpyxl
- cruzdb
- intervaltree_bio
- multiqc
- pyensembl
- scikit-learn
- svviz
- vatools