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Ferrum Network Staking Casper Network Frontend

Steps to Run Locally

  • clone repository

Hardware Requirements:

  • node version 15>
  • yarn

To run Staking contract deployer directory (admin):

From terminal :-

As a result of Cors errors from the casper RPC url, it is important to download a cors unblocking extension to ease connection e.g or its equivalent on respective browsers

  • To deploy casper staking pool, from localhost:3000/admin, connect casper wallet and enter required deployment fields.

  • connect casper wallet to site.

  • Enter all required details to deploy a new staking contract :

Token address field - This can be any erc-20 token to be utilised for the staking pool, for testing purposes you can utilise e222974816f70ca96fc4002a696bb552e2959d3463158cd82a7bfc8a94c03473 on casper testnet ( FERRUM_ERC20_BASE- a test erc20 token)

NB: To deploy other erc20 tokens for staking, tokens will need to be mapped to contract package hash in file directory (

Alt text

  • click on deploy and approve wallet transaction.

  • after successful execution of transaction, on deploying staking pool, the deployed staking pool deploy hash is displayed on modal.

Alt text

copy deploy hash and go to url http://localhost:3000/${deployhash} e.g http://localhost:3000/b64e05e8003fc268567e8641fe491d0054a2b4b03a0d032622c83a32c2238678

To Stake

When staking period kicks in, userS can click on stake now to stake tokens.

If user is interecting with the wallet for the first time, users will need to apporove the wallet address to be used by clicking on approve wallet beneath the stake now button.

After approving, users can then stake as required.

To Withdraw after maturity

When withdraw period kicks in, users can click on withdraw now to withdraw tokens.

To Add rewards to a staking pool

  • Rewards can be added via Cli command
casper-client put-deploy \
    --chain-name casper-test \
    --node-address \
    --secret-key ./staking_contract/keys/secret_key.pem \
    --session-hash hash-5eba0235bbd34613c19163a65ee16ea6c4019fbf5f5e7c8e07fbebd52d92eef4 \
    --session-entry-point add_reward \
    --payment-amount 50000000000 \
    --session-arg "reward_amount:u256='1'" \
    --session-arg "withdrawable_amount:u256='1'"
  • The parameters required for this are detailed in the command above where the session hash refers to the deployed staking contract hash reward is being added to.

To Carry out token staking activities (stake, earlywithdraw, withdraw) :

  • from browser, naviagte to localhost:{port}/{staking_contract_deploy_hash} (where port is the port opened by above command and staking contract deploy hash is shown above).

  • connect casper wallet to site.

  • If the wallet is interacting with the staking contract for the first time, approval is required.

  • At this point, users are able to interact with the contract based on the current cycle the contract is.

Live url for testing -

Architecture details

The Ferrum staking as a service is an open source implementation of ferrum’s blockchain token staking technology.


To deploy a contract , users can use the deploy UI as detailed in the frontend section below or using hardhat.

To deploy contract, run the following commands from shell

casper-client put-deploy \
  --chain-name casper-test \
  --node-address \
  --secret-key ./staking_contract/keys/secret_key.pem \
  --session-path ./staking_contract/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/staking_contract.wasm \
  --payment-amount 200000000000 \
  --session-arg "name:string='FerrumX'" \
  --session-arg "address:string='782fe4b0bb944e6b1fd2c5a1456a78f0e2193d47dee9b1af5711d6b6e6aaca60'" \
  --session-arg "staking_starts:u64='0'" \
  --session-arg "staking_ends:u64='1783095016794'" \
  --session-arg "withdraw_starts:u64='0'" \
  --session-arg "withdraw_ends:u64='1755994649'" \
  --session-arg "staking_total:U256='500000'" \
  --session-arg "erc20_contract_package_hash:Key='hash-e222974816f70ca96fc4002a696bb552e2959d3463158cd82a7bfc8a94c03473'"

The staking contract will be deployed and deploy hash displayed on successful in terminal.

The ferrum staking contract/pools allows the following periods during the pool cycle:

graph LR
    A[Staking start] --> B(Staking Ends) --> C[Early withdrawal starts] --> D[Early withdrawal ends] --> E[Maturity Date]

Frontend: The process of deploying a staking client is divided into three steps -

  • Deploy an upgradable token contract to be staked (if necessary).
  • Deployment of staking contracts.
  • Deployment of staking UI.

Deploying a staking contract : To deploy a staking contract , an intuitive UI has been created to handle the deployment of the staking contract. This simplifies the deployment of the staking contract by enabling the use of a frontend client chich requires passing in the required parameters needed to deploy the various staking smart contracts offered by ferrum. The types of staking contract/pools available to be deployed includes

  • Traditional staking contract

The staking contract deployment form requires the following parameters which are required for the intialisation of the staking contract ot be deployed.

The parameters required for deployment of the staking contract includes :

Token : This is a valid token address on the selected network and the base token which will be staked on the contract.

Staking Cap : This is the maximum amount of tokens which can be staked on the staking contract/pool to be deployed. As denoted by the label, this is the cap on top of the staking

Staking Start : This is the exact date which staking would start for this contract/pool. It is the date which users would be able to stake the required token. Staking will be activated at the exact date specified and the time specified in the events time sequence field during contract initialisation.

Staking End : This is the date at which staking would end and users/stakers would not be able to send/stake the contract token at the exact date specified in this field and at the exact time specified in the eventsTime field during contract initialisation.

Withdraw Start/Early withdrawal start date : This is the date which users would be able to start withdrawing the rewards accrued so far during the duration of the staking contract. At this point, users/stakers who withdraw would not have the full possible APR available to that pool but it would be the APR which has been accrued so far at that point in time for that pool.

Withdraw End : This is the date at which early withdrawal would end and users would not be able to withdraw until the maturity date for the pool as elapsed. At the date specified for this field , users would not be able to carry out early withdrawals anymore and would have to wait till the pool closes on the maturity date.

Maturity date : This is the date which users would be able to withdraw all their staked tokens and the full APR value possibly accrued over the duration of the staking period. The maturity date must be configured to occur after the date early withdrawal ends and the date staking ends.

After passing in the required paramters at the deployment url, clicking on the deploy action button triggers the connected browser wallet for approval of contract deployment on the connected chain. The contract is deployed on chain and on succcesful chain execution of contract deployment.

  graph LR;
      id1(<a href="">visit deployment url </> <br />) --> id2( Connect to chain on web wallet )  --> id3( complete contract init parameters ) --> id4( deploy staking pool );

Staking UI deployment

The skating UI is composed of two major parts. The admin section of the staking ui is saddled with deployemtn of staking contracts. This means that once a staking contract is deployed on network as an example, the UI is configured to prsonalise the experience during staking for the user based on the configuration set up for the contract on the selected network. At the end of configuration, the url for staking would be :

To Run Frontend Admin UI Locally :

1. Fork repository

2. Clone your fork

The project uses create-react-app and requires :

- Node.js

- Npm/Yarn

3. Install dependencies

yarn install

5. To Run Locally

yarn start

5. To Build

yarn build

6. To Test

yarn test

To contribute to the project

If you want to contribute to the project and make it better, your help is very welcome!.

Contributing is useful for bug reports, feature requests and the noblest of all contributions: a good, clean pull request :).

How to contribute :

  • Create a personal fork of the project on Github.
  • Clone the fork on your local machine. Your remote repo on Github is called origin.
  • Add the original repository as a remote called upstream.
  • Be sure to pull the latest upstream changes into your local repository.
  • Create a new branch to work on! Branch from develop/main.
  • Implement/fix your feature, comment your code.
  • From your fork open a pull request in the correct branch. Target the project's develop branch