Background: text_compare is a service which will compare given two input texts and return the Match count and Match score.
Match Count: common Subsequence between two texts Match score: Score will range between 0 and 1 where 0 is no match and 1 will be the exact match.
The comparison logic makes use of Longest common subsequence algorithm to find the match.
Metric used for comparison is simple , score is calculated using formula (length_of subsequence)/max(len_of_text1,len_of_text2)
Running the Application:
This application is using flask to create an endpoint ,the starting point for application is simply execute following to start the app.
URL for POST method : http://localhost/compare/
Payload is in json format : -d '{"text1":"foo bar", "text2":"bar"}'
Result { Match Count : 1, Match Score : 0.5 }
This application was tested using POSTMAN
Sample Curl
curl -X POST
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-d '{"text1":"foo bar", "text2":"bar"}'